Front springs and shocks? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front springs and shocks?


July 21, 1999
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I am thinking about do a lot of work to my 94XLT soon. I am doing the radius arm bushings and shocks (bilstien or Edlebrocks), and I was also thinking of replacing my front springs. Anyone had any luck doing this, if so whith what brands?

The Oz Man -94XLT-

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Yes Oz, I just replaced my front springs, and Add-Leaf for a 2" suspension lift. I got the Skyjacker 2" kit. At $165. + $55. for the caster/camber shims. It was the best deal in town, and the ride is exceptional!
I kept my Gabriel VST truck shocks as well.
I'm now running 31x10.5" tires with ample clearance.

Hope this helps, Roy

Get the trailmaster front springs. They come
w/ the alignment pieces included. You can get the springs and add-a-leafs for 185 or so. The alignment shop I took mine to came out and asked me where I got the alignment pieces because they were such a breeze to adjust. They even ordered some from JR's Off-road. You can find JR's in the back of Petersens in the add section. Great prices!


I am not sure what you want to use your explorer for... If you are doing street driving and are opting for better handling, i would go with either Eibach front springs, or else the performance products progressive front springs. Off road - well, i'm not sure, I'll have to take a step back. I'm in it for the handling.

Fast 91 EB
