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MFT v2.10

May 14, 2011
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2011 XLT
Has anyone upgrade to MFT v2.10 yet? I'm curious if there is noticeable improvement.

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I don't think we are up to 2.10 just yet. 2.8 is the latest

I just called MFT customer service and they said tha 2.8 and 2.10 are availabe (i'm currently running 2.7). It must of just came out. I've been doing some googling, and it looks like it's on the 2012 Focus.

its been many moons since my decimals section of my 3rd grade math class, but ummm... wouldn't 2.10 be an earlier version?? I wouldnt think u meant to say 3.0 or something (ie. 2.8, 2.9, 3.0)?

Sequence goes....2.8, 2.9,2.10,2.11.....etc as far as I know with software updates. So 2.10 would be a newer update we have not seen yet.

Sequence goes....2.8, 2.9,2.10,2.11.....etc as far as I know with software updates. So 2.10 would be a newer update we have not seen yet.

respectfully... that's false. 2.10 proceeds 2.8 on a software version timeline. a minor update would be something like 2.8.4 or 2.8.6. nowhere in the software world does 2.10 (which is the same as 2.1) come AFTER 2.8

2.10 is for the Ford Focus only at this point.

respectfully... that's false. 2.10 proceeds 2.8 on a software version timeline. a minor update would be something like 2.8.4 or 2.8.6. nowhere in the software world does 2.10 (which is the same as 2.1) come AFTER 2.8

Not true, it could be 2.10 (or if minor 2.10.1)

There is no absolute standard and many manufacturers including HP, Sony, etc. have had firmware and software with that version convention.'s true. The version is 2.10 or 2-10....whatever you want to call it. I've seen the official Ford communication to dealers. 2.10 is Ford Focus only. The most recent version for the Ex is 2.8.

Yeah, I guess different outfits have different conventions then. Maybe there is a standard but I do know some do it as I have stated above. Whether they are right or wrong in doing so is another matter....LOL

Makes sense they are starting with 2.1 on another car (Focus). That is what Nikon does on their camera firmware, start new cameras with different numbers naturally. Normally though each new camera starts with 1.0 and goes up from there.....

Hey guys,

I just wanted to confirm that MFT version 2.10 is for the Focus only and 2.8 is the most recent update for the Explorer. I also found out that the newest updates will follow the same numbering system (2.10, 2.11, etc.) like gdecamp said.


respectfully... that's false. 2.10 proceeds 2.8 on a software version timeline. a minor update would be something like 2.8.4 or 2.8.6. nowhere in the software world does 2.10 (which is the same as 2.1) come AFTER 2.8

no.. though not incredibly common, a standard software versioning does allow for single and 2 digit build numbers...

think of it this way

If you need it to fall in to a conventional number for you then they are actually using

Build numbers are not "decimal" numbers.. the 0 is usually dropped

look at the changelog for OpenLDAP

same thing.. 2.4.9 then 2.4.10

I don't see where that change log dropped a zero?

I agree with everyone that states a normal increase in value


look at the versions from the bottom of the changelog to the top

it goes

this is standard versioning...
so is sync's

versioning is not meant to match decimal arithmetic numbers...
.8 is not larger than .10 ... it means build number 8 and build number 10 or minor version number 8 / minor version number 10.. it's not 8 tenths and 1 tenth...

Pretty funny thread! Yes, 2.10 would be a newer version than 2.8.

perhaps they should just using nicknames for the builds (ie. froyo, gingerbread, snowleopard, etc) ehhhh who cares i just want them to fix the damn ipod playback!

it is what it is people, no need to argue over it. The point of the thread was to find out what version the 2011 explorer is up to...... i just came from dealer upgrade from v2.4, or was it 2.04, or 2.004 (just kidding, relax!! lol) and they upgraded me to v2.8. Even though when i called sync last week they told me my latest upgrade was v2.10, they must have been wrong..... There should be a way to get the info online directly from ford or sync but i guess that would make some people have to do some extra work.

check out the format under 'incrementing sequences'

it can very well be 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 if they choose.

i actually think that is the case and the focus' 2.10 is a newer version after 2.8.
if it were an older version, they would not have put the zero at the end.

we'll see...

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With that logic, then 2.81 is 73 versions advanced from 2.8

See why I don't like it?
