auto reverse "whump" | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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auto reverse "whump"


Explorer Addict
December 27, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Spanish Fork, UT
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 XLT and '87 Bronco II
Have a '92 with a stock AM/FM/Cassette. The manual calls it a "high level audio system -- configuration A." It works well, except when it comes to the end of a tape. At this point it "whumps" and changes direction. The whump is loud enough to make a fellow jump through the roof. Anyone else had this problem?

orem, UT huh? know a mormon named david lloyd?

i think they all do that... all the tape players i have ever had did that....

do you think I'm just jumpy, then? I don't recall any other player I've had make noises to make me jump like this one does. They might make a mechanical click as the player changed direction, but this seems excessive. I recall some players that would change direction and I wouldn't even notice until the other side started playing.

Don't know anyone named David Lloyd, sorry.
