KOH 2017 Who all is going? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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KOH 2017 Who all is going?


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March 4, 2007
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anaheim hills,california
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95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
Who all is going to make it out to the King of the Hammers this year?

I will add schedule and more info this week...:)

Saturday, February 4th:
Media Check-In Opens
King of the Motos Night Race
Qualifying tba

Sunday, February 5th:
King of the Motos

Monday evening, February 6th:
ULTRA4 vs. SRRS Shootout

Tuesday, February 7th:

Wednesday, February 8th:
UTV King of the Hammers

Thursday, February 9th:
Smittybilt Every Man Challenge Race

Friday, February 10th:
Nitto King of The Hammers

Saturday, February 11th:
KOH The Experience


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:dunno: still up in the air. Depends on work, weather and a few other things..

spent the weekend chasing a 427 Bronco from the 4500 class :D


That's pretty much my schedule too. Let me know asap if you need a ride from the airport to In n Out :)

I updated the first post with the current schedule at this time.

That's pretty much my schedule too. Let me know asap if you need a ride from the airport to In n Out :)

Actually, I do need a ride. I get into Ontario about 10:30 on Wed. and need a ride to go pickup the RV in Upland, about 10 minutes away. The RV place happens to be right across the street from an In-n-out. I'll buy if you are available for taxi service :D

1030 am correct? Just give me a reminder and I will be there :thumbsup:

Haven't decided yet. If I do I probably will just drive our explorer out and camp in it. With all the races now it is hard to go wheeling on many of the trails. I would almost rather go during a different weekend now.

With all the races now it is hard to go wheeling on many of the trails.

That's why I am going half a week earlier this year to try and get some trail time in. This will be my 9th race and I have yet to wheel any of the major trails but I sure have hiked a bunch! Wrecking Ball and Turkey Claw is the only trails I've actually been in a vehicle on and we turned around part way up Wrecking Ball (not because it was too hard but because we found who we were looking for).

And it begins :popcorn:...:)


Yeahh... I was up for the the dry lake bed...this? Not so much:rolleyes:

Trust me...It aint that bad. I'm taking my Ranger out on 33's :burnout:

Oh I'm not worried about driving in it. I just don't want to be cleaning it afterwards...:nono:

so do we have a group going out? A camp site? I'll ask my boss this week if I can get the 10 &11th off

Brian1 and I will be there working for about 10 days.

You should try and also come out the weekend before as the Motos start Saturday night in the rocks and second half on Sunday. Lots of trails open and the crowd is not really there yet so you can get your bearings of where everything is. ;)

Its been drying up nicely out there :D

well I got Friday and Saturday off. So I'll be out there.

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I'll be out Monday and Tuesday for sure, catch the backdoor challenge then some qualifying. Then I'll probably come back out on Friday/Satuday for the race. Do you guys plan on camping inside hammertown or a little ways out from the crowd?
