rear axle all the same | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rear axle all the same


Well-Known Member
December 17, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 v8
Are all the Gen 2 rear axle housings the same as far as VSS on top of dif?
any of these years can be interchanged essentially?

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Only difference is on the v8 axles, they have tabs for traction bars. Other than that 95-01 are the same housing, gear ratios differ though so check the tag before you buy.

Did Ford ever put a open dif 3.73 in a V8? So I know before I start the hunt.

Did Ford ever put a open dif 3.73 in a V8? So I know before I start the hunt.

Explorer Axle Codes:
43 Open 3200 3.08
41 Open 3200 3.27
42 Open 4.10
46 Open 3.73
45 Open 3200 3.55
D4 Limited Slip 3200 3.73
D2 Limited Slip 4.10
L73 Limited Slip 3.73

It's an option in the v6 for sure but definitely not common in a v8 truck. Most v8s either have 3.55 open or 3.73 ls from what I have always seen.

Thanks I have the codes, did ford factory install a 3.73 open in a V8?

I've never seen a v8 AWD with anything but a D4, and I looked at about 50 when I was hunting for my second.

All 4 of my V8's had the 3:73 limited slip rear diffs (D4).

Thanks for the updates everyone, I may just go hunt for a v6 3.73 open and weld on the brackets for the traction bars.
This is just a daily driver and I am tired of the turn left right in tight spots rear groan.

Just drain your fluid and put fresh 75-140 in it with 2 bottles of Ford friction modifier. I bet it will quiet right up if the l/s binding noise is your only issue.

Thanks for the updates everyone, I may just go hunt for a v6 3.73 open and weld on the brackets for the traction bars.
This is just a daily driver and I am tired of the turn left right in tight spots rear groan.

I've never heard any LSD "groaning" noises on any of my Explorers when turning in tight spaces...? I was wondering why you were looking for an open diff. The LSD 3:73's are much more in demand and easier to find. As long as you use the Motorcraft friction modifier additive with the gear oil they're quiet enough.

Thanks for the updates everyone, I may just go hunt for a v6 3.73 open and weld on the brackets for the traction bars.
This is just a daily driver and I am tired of the turn left right in tight spots rear groan.

I've never heard any LSD "groaning" noises on any of my Explorers when turning in tight spaces...? I was wondering why you were looking for an open diff. The LSD's 3:73's are much more in demand and easier to find. As long as you use the Motorcraft friction modifier additive with the gear oil they're quiet enough.
