Wanted - Junkyard Challange: 1354 Manual Transfer case linkage | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted Junkyard Challange: 1354 Manual Transfer case linkage

Parts or services wanted


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Looking for a unicorn is easier :rolleyes:

Finding the manual transfer case is tuff but doable. Finding the linkage is not so easy.

So search your local junkyards for this pot of gold, and I'll gladly pay for your time and a finders fee.

I challenge you explorer forum. ...who will be the luck one ? Now GO!:salute:

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Well that was quick... @Brian1

Game over..

This was fun

Now I want to dig in my usual junkyards to find one... just because...

Damn. I was going to head to my pick n pull tomorrow.

Yall still go, the linkage is almost worth it's weight in silver (yes for real lol)

Got a 1354 from a '92 Explorer to put into my '86 Bronco 2. The yard I dealt with included the shift lever and boot, but not the all important pivot bolt. I did find one, but make sure you get the bolt too, long discontinued by Ford. (9/16"-12 thread)

The plastic bushing is still available however. These get old and brittle and break. I'll have to find the part number again for future reference.

What tools does it take for removal?


93 Ford Explorer/ranger manual shift t-case

I've done it with basic hand tools, just sockets and wrenches. The oversize bolt that holds the linkage on just needs a crescent wrench. The most specialized tool I remember using is a star socket to disconnect the driveshaft at the front flange.

I've done it with basic hand tools, just sockets and wrenches. The oversize bolt that holds the linkage on just needs a crescent wrench. The most specialized tool I remember using is a star socket to disconnect the driveshaft at the front flange.

You have to drop the driveshaft?

I've done it with basic hand tools, just sockets and wrenches. The oversize bolt that holds the linkage on just needs a crescent wrench. The most specialized tool I remember using is a star socket to disconnect the driveshaft at the front flange.

I think he just means the linkage.

Yeah, I was talking about the whole tcase, sorry.
