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pats key

  1. G

    2001 Explorer Sport PATS Issue?

    Hi there everyone, serious issue here: I've got a '01 Explorer Sport that probably about 90% of the time, won't start on the first go around. Usually, I'll get in the car, go to turn the key and... All the electronics in the car shut down, no crank at all. There is a rapid, but very muted...
  2. B

    Solved PATS key sucsess! Thanks Forscan

    I just wanted to shout out to Forscan for allowing me to use their upgraded software for programming 3 PAT keys. This saved me from going to the dealership and spending $400.00. I purchased an OBDLink SX for 18.00 on Amazon using a discount coupon. The module connected to my 03 Explorer...