2013 climate control. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 climate control.

2013 explorer

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December 15, 2017
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2013 explorer xlt
I have a 2013 explorer with a ford sync system. My wife was taking the kid to school when she slammed on the brakes and got sprite on the dash. She immediately wiped it up but now the climate control lights wont turn on and the heater wont turn on with either the touch screen or control knobs. Any ideas on problem and solution welcome.

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Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
Banishment for "the kid" to the second row if that was who was drinking at the time.;)
Actually, the drink must have spilled onto the controls as well as the dash. It could be that the incident may have resulted in a blown fuse. Does the blower motor work?


Checked the fuse and appeared fine. None of the controls will turn on.

Checked the fuse and appeared fine. None of the controls will turn on.
Are you able to turn on any systems without the physical controls? Do you have a rear heating system? Sorry but I'm not that familiar with the non MFT system.

If it got down behind the screen, or under the knobs, it could easily have killed the panel. Soda and electronics don't mix. You're probably looking at replacement of the panel, though you could try pulling it, cleaning everything with rubbing alcohol and a toothbrush, and hoping for the best.
