`92 X with Rear Discs!... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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`92 X with Rear Discs!...


Explorer Addict
March 14, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Bremerton, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer XL
I got the parts last week....

And did the install today...

Install was VERY straight forward...and the brakes are somewhere between 50% and 33% better...CRAZY performance...

It was TOTALLY worth the time, and money spent on the swap...brakes are WAY better.....

Now I have to get the 13" Cobra's done up front, and I'll be ready for just about any thing..


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Cool! How soon do you plan on doing the brakes? I'm going to be swapping the rear from my '96 Parts vehicle onto my '92 soon. Did you swap out the master cylinder too?

How do you like Bremerton? We're heading back up to WA tomorrow for 2 weeks of vacation (going back home to Whidbey Island and will be visiting some other areas). Gonna be looking at some land in the Wenatchee area while we're up there.

If you check out the pic (click on it)...you'll see that I have already installed the rear disc brakes.

1991 & 1992 Explorers had Rear Anti-Lock Brake System (RABS) ....1993 & 1994 had 4 Wheel ABS.....The 91 & 92 Explorers don't need to have the Master Cylinder swapped out when doing this swap. 93 & 94 need a different Master Cylinder.

Here is the link to a page on 'TRS' (The Ranger Station) that has a COMPLETE write-up on the swap...

I really like Bremerton, for the most part. It's close enough to everything that I could ever need/want, yet it's far enough away from the big cities...I much prefer SoCal (where I'm from)....but I can AFFORD to live here!


If you check out the pic (click on it)...you'll see that I have already installed the rear disc brakes.

1991 & 1992 Explorers had Rear Anti-Lock Brake System (RABS) ....1993 & 1994 had 4 Wheel ABS.....The 91 & 92 Explorers don't need to have the Master Cylinder swapped out when doing this swap. 93 & 94 need a different Master Cylinder.

Very nice, I missed the fact that was a thumbnail;)

Did you order up new calipers or just rotors? Anything else for the brake swap?

Thanks for the info on the master brake cylinder, I would've been swapping that over as well!

I actually got the whole set-up off of eBay....

I paid $145 shipped to my door, in 2 boxes....that included backing plates, rotors, calipers, pads, rubber hoses, and parking brake cables....

Not a bad deal, if you ask me!

Good deals like that are hard to find, and even harder to pass up...so I did it.

There is a guy here on EF that is always parting out Explorers....although I'm not sure of what he charges for the rear disc set-up.


what is in the thumbnail above?

your explorer?

if so, what year is it? and it looks like it's lowered, how did you do it?

i'm looking at lowering my '93 but can't seem to find anywhere that has a kit for a decent price

Yeah, that is MY Explorer in the pic.

It has a 5"/6" drop. That is kind of extreme for a stock style/non-air suspension.

I had to c-notch the rear frame...

I am using 3" drop/de-arched springs in the rear, with a 3" block.

In the front I am using 3" drop I-beams, and 2" springs.

I also have a 2wd vehicle, so dropping a 1st Gen that much is ONLY possible with a 2wd if you want to retain driveability.


do you remember what website you got it from and how long ago? i know they make the drop i-beams for the rangers of the same style, but someone told me on a thread on here a while ago they wouldn't work. any input you can give would be great.

do you remember what website you got it from and how long ago? i know they make the drop i-beams for the rangers of the same style, but someone told me on a thread on here a while ago they wouldn't work. any input you can give would be great.

I have a set of DJM beams that are made for a Ranger, I believe they will fit an Explorer. If anyone is interested in them, send me a PM. We're lifting the '92 now and I don't have any use for the beams.
