Explorers Do Moab!! May 31- June 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorers Do Moab!! May 31- June 2


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
How about it guys? Interested in joining us in the beautiful red rock country of Moab, Utah?? There is a lot to see from the paved roads out there. Arches National Monument, Colorado River, Canyon Lands National Park and much more! Check out this link for area info http://www.moab-utah.com/ And check out this link for the discussion the offroaders are having: Dead Link Removed

We can get together for a mass dinner for ALL Explorer owners, and meet in the mornings to meet each other and then head out on our own adventures. What do you guys think???

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I'll be there :)

To all the sport truck guys, come join us! I'll be running some of the trails, but I also think of my truck as a pavement pounder. I think it would be great for both poles of this site to come together. Even the offroading guys enjoy seeing what y'all do to your rides. An Explorer is an Explorer, and all are welcome!

How about trails by day, cruises by night? During the day, the sport guys ride-along. At night, the offroaders go low-ridin in the sporttrucks.

I think it's a great idea!

Originally posted by Alec
I'll be there :)

Even the offroading guys enjoy seeing what y'all do to your rides. An Explorer is an Explorer, and all are welcome!

How about trails by day, cruises by night? During the day, the sport guys ride-along. At night, the offroaders go low-ridin in the sporttrucks.

I think it's a great idea!

Sorry Alec, but this kid doesn't CRAWL down into a low rider. Yes like you said I like looking at them and what they do to them, but I don't like riding with my butt a few inches off the ground. I would much rather be the one doing the running over instead of being ran over.

Perry, you're just getting old! At least that's what Char told me when I complained about crawling into her Camaro!

I would be up for a ride along, as long as I'm not dead tired from the days run.

Perry, if you'd lose a little weight it wouldn't be so hard on your knees to bend down that far :D

He He! I think that is a great idea! If my truck is done by then I will try and make! Otherwise I will be in Arizona (at Sinjins new home) and then to Vegas! I would rather go to Moab. Fingers crossed.

So when is Rod moving down here? I haven't heard from him in awhile.

Supposedly, 1st week of February. He is an engaged man now. His house is supposed to be done by the end of Feb.

Originally posted by GJarrett
Perry, if you'd lose a little weight it wouldn't be so hard on your knees to bend down that far :D

Hey I have worked hard on my fine figure. Besides it's because I'm so tall I don't like crawling into a vehicle. :D :p

:rolleyes: Don't give me that excuse Perry. I think I might have you beat there, and every car I have owned so far has been dropped (Nissan Hardbody: bagged, laying frame; Mitsubishi Eclipse: Dropped 3"; The X: dropped 3", soon to be about 5"; and an Eagle Talon that I'm building as my race car, it will have about a 2" drop). I'm 6'9" and have learned to deal with "falling" into my rides...I kinda like it that way ;)

Ok, now you don't have an excuse for not wanting to come down to our level :D

BTW: I'm debating on trying to make this trip. Can someone give me a projected cost for the stay (gas to and from not included). How many other "street" guys are thinking about going? I'd like to ride shotgun for some of the trails, and I think some night crusing sounds like fun.

Try www.moab.com for some info. Rick also might have some info in the Moab Itinerary thread. The cheapest you can go is a tent site at the KOA, I think that's like $30 a night, but I could be wrong. Hotels and campgrounds in Moab are very reasonable, and the KOA has fair sized cabins with 3 or 4 beds for cheap. You just have to walk to pee.

Just looked, tent site, `$20, cabin: $40-60. And that's only one option.

Originally posted by Perry

Hey I have worked hard on my fine figure. Besides it's because I'm so tall I don't like crawling into a vehicle. :D :p

Tell yourself whatever you need to Perry...

I believe that the Canyon Lands camp ground is a little cheaper yet and it's a really nice place. Lots of trees, and about 1/4 mile from the meeting place (City Market).

Also, if the street truck guys don't want to ride along. There is plenty of mountain roads and the national parks have pavement to view the beautiful scenery. In other words, a good time can be had by all.

Perry, I kept telling myself that about my figure. However, you probably won't recognize me when you see me. 75 pounds and still going!

As far as getting low, you just have to know how to do it. Position butt over seat and gently fall. Works every time.:D

Hey, I know. I was packing maximum density and my falls were anything, but gentle even from my little distance. I imagine with the distance you two would fall it would be a large thud! :D

O.K. here is the truth, when you are setting so low the only thing you see is tires on the other vehicles. I would much rather be looking at something like cleavage if you know what I mean.

Congrats Char, that is awsome!!!


Ok well I am not exactly very big as Heath and Perry can tell ya, but still I think struggling to get out of a car that is on the ground is killer, my poor knees just don't like it at all, and as far as the falling that can be a little rough too. But the ride (when done right) is usually AMAZING, I love FLYING along the road or just cruising in a NICE low vehicle. I would love to go on a ride along with any of the Sport Trucks, and any are welcome to experience some height and trails with me!

Hey! Where are all the Sport Explorers? We need to get some of you to Moab!

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Well I am thinking about going, but I really don't want to be the only sport truck there. Not that I wouldn't have any fun with the rest of you b/c I fully intend to claim a seat for the trails, but I think it would be alot more fun for me if there was a good representation from the sport trucks here.

:frustrate Sport Trucks Unite....k, that was weak...hey guys...WAKE UP!!!! Who else is thinking about going?
