George Washington Nation Forest Run, 9/24/11 | Page 17 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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George Washington Nation Forest Run, 9/24/11

Just need to finish installing my on board air. Think I also need to snug up my rear pinion nut, got a little bit of whine from back there on decel.

Other than that, just some normal maint checks and loading up trail gear and I'll be ready!

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me - jd - will - ronin - meat - brandon - fishfood - dominicanx.
jds dog - meats dog - meats wife - brandons boyfriend - wills wife or girlfriend(cant remember)

anyone else? any more guests?
my friend cant come anymore or thatd be +1

JD You should not need to bring to many big tarps. Fishfood is building a house and it has a roof and exterior walls. We should be able to park right beside it.

8 Explorers, that should make a good photo op.

Im bringing a tent.depending on how hard it is raining i was going to hang a tarp over the tent and area to chill in or cook or wutev.i know xeek had a gazzbo bit don't know what's left of it.idk im bringing it just in case.looks like its going to get down in the lower 50* im going to have to find my tent heater


me - jd - will - ronin - meat - brandon - fishfood - dominicanx.
jds dog - meats dog - meats wife - brandons boyfriend - wills wife or girlfriend(cant remember)

anyone else? any more guests?
my friend cant come anymore or thatd be +1

That's 2 of every gen i think;)that will be cool!!

Or wait is there electric? If so you think i can just run a cord out and use a plug in heater so i don't waste gas?

^ yea i remember reading that there is.

JD You should not need to bring to many big tarps. Fishfood is building a house and it has a roof and exterior walls. We should be able to park right beside it.

8 Explorers, that should make a good photo op.
ill be bringing my tent also. mainly as a just incase i need it type thing. ill bring tarps also for the hell of it

i know xeek had a gazzbo bit don't know what's left of it.
i bent it back into shape! its all there. it *may* look funky but itll still work lol

That's 2 of every gen i think;)that will be cool!!
3 1st gens, 3 2nd gens, 2 3rd gens

Maybe we can take a pic for the serious explorations banner at the top to include third gen 4 doors it'd be a nice selection of generations...

Yes there is electricty and water too. He even has an air compressor, but no tools. He has a porta-john.

He has set the property up with several campsites, but only the ones around the house will have electricty and water. He should be back from Chicago tomorrow afternoon.

I have not been to the property since he started the house, so I may not have all the facts, but I believe that I have it right.

Well im done and ready to go.did the heat cycles for the gears and everything sounds and looks good.only problem maybe that i got the rear drive shaft to long.i extended it 3" witch is what i have read on here about people doing.but when i measure it the tap must have been at the end of the ujoint not center because i measured 47 before and this time i measured 46 so 2" prob would be better.i only have about an 1.5-2 ruff inches of compresstion ,plenty for drop.idk how much it really needs for compression.if i could find some one that has a stock on to measure main tube ujoint center to center i could figure it out?i may add shackles and f150 seats down the road because i could use the clearance so that might help a little.o well im bringing an extra drive shaft in case just hope it breaks before and other damage could be done

just catchin up

ive been on the road forvever and am catching up with some details.

firewood.... dont bother, i have lots of down trees, some cut wood that is real old and construction debris along with burn barrels. if we run out i can borrow some from other property owners (neighbors)up here.

cover,... in a ddition to the three floors of the house i also have a 10 x 20 car cover type thing set up.

chairs ... bring scahairs , i have nothing

fridge, microwave, coffee pot, crock pot etc ,,, i will have all of those things functioning when you get there, but the fridge is only a dormer type so we will be depending on ice

deck is not completed but i will try and have one floor of the deck surfaced by friday.

guns.... i dont really have great spots for the high powered rifle stuff (no long runs with earthen backstops..... rifle shots will be probably held to 30-50 yds. and i w ill put you in the very back hollow. no where to do skeets unless we do it over the river. if the noise starts getting to me i will probably shut it down.

adress for GPS... i gave you guys bad infp last time. the two addresses to try are 743 Jones overlook drive, and 125 river breeze both in howardsville.

photo ops.... the house is on edge of nothing but i will be able to find many photo ops. i will try and set up a person photo op at the bar if i have enough time.

directions from rt 15 and rt 6
south on 15/ 6 to rt 652 (R) 7.9 miles
rt 652-rt.20 (L) 12 miles
Rt. 20-655 (R) 2.6 miles
Rt 655-602 (R) 4.7 miles
Rt. 602-626 (L) 6.1 miles
626-fishpond (L) 2.0 miles
fishpond - highland (R) 1 miles
highland - jones overlook (L) 0.8 miles
Jones overlook - Riverbreeze (R)1.0 miles
Riverbreeze is destination.. house on left, trails on right (do no go on trails without me for the first time)

my cell is 804-512-9288.

i will be there anytime after 10am on friday.

hot showers? if one of my buddies is up at his camp we might even be abe to use his hot showers .... we will keep our fingers crossed.

trail head the trail head is computed to be 47 minutes form the house site on some roads i have never been on. In order to meet those at TH at 10 we should leave @ 9 am.

barbeque will be served around 6 on satuday. beers and ritas will be available friday on.

ive been on the road forvever and am catching up with some details.

firewood.... dont bother, i have lots of down trees, some cut wood that is real old and construction debris along with burn barrels. if we run out i can borrow some from other property owners (neighbors)up here.

cover,... in a ddition to the three floors of the house i also have a 10 x 20 car cover type thing set up.

chairs ... bring scahairs , i have nothing

fridge, microwave, coffee pot, crock pot etc ,,, i will have all of those things functioning when you get there, but the fridge is only a dormer type so we will be depending on ice

deck is not completed but i will try and have one floor of the deck surfaced by friday.

guns.... i dont really have great spots for the high powered rifle stuff (no long runs with earthen backstops..... rifle shots will be probably held to 30-50 yds. and i w ill put you in the very back hollow. no where to do skeets unless we do it over the river. if the noise starts getting to me i will probably shut it down.

adress for GPS... i gave you guys bad infp last time. the two addresses to try are 743 Jones overlook drive, and 125 river breeze both in howardsville.

photo ops.... the house is on edge of nothing but i will be able to find many photo ops. i will try and set up a person photo op at the bar if i have enough time.

directions from rt 15 and rt 6
south on 15/ 6 to rt 652 (R) 7.9 miles
rt 652-rt.20 (L) 12 miles
Rt. 20-655 (R) 2.6 miles
Rt 655-602 (R) 4.7 miles
Rt. 602-626 (L) 6.1 miles
626-fishpond (L) 2.0 miles
fishpond - highland (R) 1 miles
highland - jones overlook (L) 0.8 miles
Jones overlook - Riverbreeze (R)1.0 miles
Riverbreeze is destination.. house on left, trails on right (do no go on trails without me for the first time)

my cell is 804-512-9288.

i will be there anytime after 10am on friday.

hot showers? if one of my buddies is up at his camp we might even be abe to use his hot showers .... we will keep our fingers crossed.

trail head the trail head is computed to be 47 minutes form the house site on some roads i have never been on. In order to meet those at TH at 10 we should leave @ 9 am.

barbeque will be served around 6 on satuday. beers and ritas will be available friday on.

I can't wait just waterproofed my jacket and pants lol and I'm bringing my lab other than that yeah cant wait and plan to sleep in house but am bringing tent jic

ehh, apparently I couldn't make enough time for her. Two jobs and college consume my life. whoopsies!

more last minute stuff.

Ranger station Number is 540-291-2189.... i have not called to verify that the trail is open.... i am assuming someone else has. it should be open. They may have info on a rifle range in the area as well i just dont know anything about the high powered rifle stuff.

For you tent campers, i will go by feed store today and pick up clean dry straw. i always like to lay out a thick bed of straw under my tents when possible.

i may bring upan extra tent and a tent heater that someone can borrow. there is also a 12x12 tool shed for lodging........ but it definately has mice.

i will have blowers, string trimmers, and chain saws, and hand tools for those who want to really modify the tent sites.

we will likely be joined by some other neighbors up there on saturday for the BBQ, beers etc.

my wife and dog will also be coming, but will most likely pass on the trail ride portion.

i am assuming that the lab is a a swimmer .... if so, he/she will enjoy the river. i know my dog does.

i fixed the roof rack (damn tree)and the explorer is as ready as she is going to be.

Spike, welcoome back.

Old people get up to early!

Your wife is comming, on Stoney Run? Did she get a script for tranqualizers? LOL

Perhaps a blindfold.

Can we make a reservation for the honeymoon suite (tool shed). Mice will just give Lucky something to do.

So it'll be just me as of now.. GF broke up with me. :rolleyes:

See you guys 2pm Friday?

So bring some of your college "female friends";)
Im going to try and leave as early as possible should take me but an hour to get my rear tires balanced then final pack and check and im getting up at 7-8 so i should be done by 10-11

Ranger station Number is 540-291-2189.... i have not called to verify that the trail is open.... i am assuming someone else has. it should be open.

Just called the Ranger Station and they have told me that Coal Rd and Stoney Run trail are both currently open and are expected to be this weekend also.

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Its on!!;)
