Neighbor's 94 Ranger 5.0 4WD tandem axle dump truck | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Neighbor's 94 Ranger 5.0 4WD tandem axle dump truck


Elite Ranger
Staff member
Elite Explorer
July 14, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Omao, Kauai
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Ranger XLT 4X4
My new neighbor has this truck that he built. He started with a 94 Ranger XLT, and stripped everything under the hood out, and put in everything that was under the hood of a 97 Explorer 5.0, along with the transmission, and a manual shift case from an F150.
Still has the D35 front axle, rear axles are both 8.8's. Currently, only the forward rear axle is driven, but he has plans to add a divorced tcase to drive the other axle! Leaf springs on both axles, with air bags on one and air shocks on the other.


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First axle has springs outside frame, second axle has springs inside!


Now that's really cool and inventive!

Did he get his gvwr upped so he can legally use it to haul stuff down the road? It definitely is one of a kind!

Friggin awesome!!!!!!! Definitely a work of art.

I just stumbled upon this thread. I had seen something similar at the swap meet by our house.


wild for sure!! your neighbor is awesome!!!

Ditch the AWD sticker :) need one from a RWD 5.0

Reminds me of the Green Trolley Ford Taurus
