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new goodrich tires

Just talked with the good people at BFGoodrich customer service and they told me that a new tire called the All Terrain KO is being introduced may 1st. It's supposed to have 12% longer treadlife, more traction, and quieter ride. They also come with off road towing reimbursement for ANY stuck (up to 50$ three times a year. Cool, eh? Now if I can only convince my local dealer to get them for me.
Joe E

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If you find out the price will you post it. I'd like to know how much more they are than the standard AT's. The towing thing would kick ass, I could bill BFG $50 bucks whenever my friends pull me out. It only costs me a six pack.

I haven't been able to get pricing from goodrich or sears. The KO is supposed to eventually replace the regular A/T, so I guess the prices should be close.
They also have their own list of tow people to call, I don't think you can bill them yourself.

FYI - BFG Goodrich no longer make tires, they have licensed it to Michelin. Michelin is raising prices on the AT and MT by 15-20%.

kvo, where did you hear about the price increase, and when does it go into effect?
matt, where did you get your ko's? I was told they wouldn't be available til may 1.


I found out that Michelin is now making tires for BFG from the BFG web site. I found out about the price increase when I went by the Costco near my house and they told me they had to pull all the existing BFG tires (ATs) because Michelin wants to raise the price by 15-20% and Costco didn't agree. Costco wouldn't even sell the existing BFG tires in stock. My guess is they are raising prices on the existing ATs to phase in the new AT(KO).

The Costco people were not definite about the cost of the MTs, they said Michelin has told them the MT price will be increasing but no date or the exact amount yet.

According to Costco, if they want to continue selling the BFG ATs, the cost definitely is 15-20% more as of last Tuesday (4/27/99).

Just got the new BFG KO's yesterday. They look more aggressive with some side wall ribbing and a more open tread pattern, than the A/T's. They're also much quiter and smoother than the A/T's that were on before ( they were not BFG's). The price was 127 per tire + mounting ane balance. Dealer said the price increse was May 1, up by 15% to 20%.

Can't wait to get these things out in the boonies to try them out.


What size do you have? I paid $85 per tire for 31's less than a year ago. My math is not too good, but isn't that like a 49% increase in price. I have always been pleased with BFG's, but damn.

They were BFG KO 33/12.5 15's I got them at American's Tire Co, sorry should have said what size.
