New member 5R55S replace the 5R55W? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New member 5R55S replace the 5R55W?

Ronald Wilinski

New Member
October 15, 2017
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2002 Ford Explorer XLT
Good morning just joined this morning and looking forward to your help and support with my Explorer collection I've got a 2002 that needs a tranny and I have a 2004 for a donar which is the 5R55S trans hoping I could replace the 5R55W Or am I barking up a tree trying to figure out if it's gonna work thank you and if any you good people out there have tried this please let me know thank you and have a good morning

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Good morning just joined this morning and looking forward to your help and support with my Explorer collection I've got a 2002 that needs a tranny and I have a 2004 for a donar which is the 5R55S trans hoping I could replace the 5R55W Or am I barking up a tree trying to figure out if it's gonna work thank you and if any you good people out there have tried this please let me know thank you and have a good morning
Everything would fit, that's the sad part, as the unsuspecting repair guy may not know that it won't work properly. The gear ratios are different between the two transmissions. That means the computer (PCM) will detect incorrect relative shaft speeds, and start throwing warning codes. It might go so far as to disable 5th. gear and the torque converter clutch, as safety measures, based on it's belief parts are broken/slipping, even though they are not.

If you definitely want to use a 5R55S in place of a "W", the PCM for the W would work, BUT, I believe changes were made between 2002 and 2004 to the ABS system, and the '02 ABS would be thrown out of whack. imp

I just swapped the W for the S myself and also have the doner explorers PCM waiting if needed. I havnt fired it up yet as i still have a few things to install.
My question is did you need the new PCM? What was the outcome of the swap ?

I just swapped the W for the S myself and also have the doner explorers PCM waiting if needed. I havnt fired it up yet as i still have a few things to install.
My question is did you need the new PCM? What was the outcome of the swap ?

Please be aware also, that certain changes were made during 3rd. Gen. production to the ABS to PCM interface. Switching PCMs MIGHT result in ABS problems. I can't say for sure. imp

Does PCM change affect CAN-bus? 2004 definitely has CAN, since it's legal requirement, 2002 doesn't necessarily have it?

Does PCM change affect CAN-bus? 2004 definitely has CAN, since it's legal requirement, 2002 doesn't necessarily have it?
I think all 3rd. Gens use the CAN bus, but the ABS system was changed at least several times between late Gen 2s and late Gen 3s. imp
