New type of Offroad recovery Tow Hooks | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New type of Offroad recovery Tow Hooks


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Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
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City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
..From the makers of the Ford F-series tow hooks and now spawned from the rock crawling and racing world comes this new generation of recovery hooks..:burnout:

..I had previously posted about these from King of the Hammers 2014 this year..(see below)

...These are now available for sale to the public and in different colors and styles..:biggthump




..I just learned something new about Tow hooks and KOH..

..The company that makes these tow hooks for the Ford PU's is Amanda Products..

Superbowl commercial with Mike Rowe..:D

..anyways...They were out at Chocolate Thunder with a booth for "Spectator Recovery" giving out water and charging cell phones..

..They also were sponsor of car 4431 (I'll insert pic today) which was originally a 2013 SEMA 4 seater vehicle and they were sporting the New "Speed Hook"..

..Both can be seen in this video..:popcorn:

How easy is this?


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I guess you wrap the rope around the bar then slide it over the hook?
I'll stick with my shackle :D

..I've fixed the videos and the bottom video shows how it is used..;)

..Here is the official product description..:D

Product Description

Amanda Products’ innovative Speed Hook design enables you to safely and successfully complete any tow, finishing with your recovery straps intact and accessible. When you need a tow — whether in rocks, sand or mud — our Speed Hook design will help you rapidly attach your recovery strap and extricate your vehicle, all without damaging or destroying your strap. The Speed Hook combines both the strength of a closed loop with the convenience of an open hook.

Unlike other tow hooks, Amanda’s Speed Hook allows multiple function towing capabilities. By quickly slipping the recovery strap through its eye and over its hook, you’ll eliminate the need for shackles and prevent knots from forming. Even when an extreme tow calls for shackles, you can directly hook one to the eye of the Speed Hook. The Speed Hook can tow more than 10,000 lbs. and fits any standard 2-inch receiver on trucks and off-road vehicles.

Made from durable, high-strength steel, the Speed Hook is robotically welded, heat-treated, available in bumper and receiver mount versions, and is available either unfinished or in black e-coat and chrome finishes. Proudly engineered and manufactured in the U.S.A.

I like those a lot........
Now how to attach them to the front of my Explorer...........

This design is nice and quick but I see it only for recovery...

I've had to pull a couple vehicles more than just off the obstacle after breaking and using a D-ring is the way to go. Sometimes you just can't keep the recovery strap under tension and once you lose tension the strap can move and even with this design it could come off..

I wonder if the hook would be strong enough to allow you to hook a d-ring to it. That way it could be used for both types of uses, recovery off an obstacle or to pull a vehicle a little longer..


..I'm working on getting a first hand review on these in the near future..;)

..Amanda Products came thru with giving me both designs shown in the first post and I will be mounting and testing in the future..:)

Work it, Ted! :thumbsup:

...Here's what I got to work with..:hammer:

