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Roof rack options?

My 1996 sport doesn't have a roof rack and that is something I would like to get for it.

The roof racks I really like are on Nissan Xterras, the aluminun tube style.

Does anyone have some good websites with explorer roof rack options.


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exactly... I want some horns that tell someone "HEY!!! YOU JUST DID SOMETHING INCREDIBLY STUPID!!!!" instead of "umm... excuse me... pardon me... I was here first" You know what I mean. I'll see what I can find and whats all involved with installation. One of my friends had her boyfriend get her a set of air horns for her graduating from high school... she was not impressed.

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Matt, After putting on the lights, are you sure there will be any room for anything else on the rack? LOL Perhaps a small 5hp generator to power them.. ok ok I'll stop. I'm just mad because I had to take mine off. I can at least get into the garage now(about 1.5" clearance).
Anyways, after looking at this one, I've started to design a different model to build myself. After I get the tools set back up, I'll start on it.

4 door

Conferr sells 59x39 which is about the size I need
Total for the Conferr is around 230 from 4 wheel parts and 250 straight from Conferr.
Any other companies sell Conferr cheaper or any companies make around the same size rack?

230 is the price I paid for teh rack itself... I did a little shopping around and that was the best I could find. By the way, I'm going to try to squeeze 6, yes 6 PIAA 80's on to the roof rack I'm going to see what it looks like with 5, see if I can squeeze a sixth on possibly with a little custom welding :). That's just in front... doesn't count the 2 PIAA 40's pointing left-right. I should be able to let everyone know of the progress, hopefully by this weekend.

I can see it now:

"And now, starting at running back...from the University of Georgia, number 30, TERRELL DAVIS!"

Matt's wife/girlfriend/significant other: "Matt, would you just shut up and get back in the car?!?!?!?!?!? We're in your driveway, not at a damn Broncos game!"

Hey Matt,
You have enough room to get 4 80XT's and 1 80 Racing on the front. That's approximately 34 1/4" in width if you put them side by side touching. The rack is 39". With spreading them out 1/2" between lights, you will take up another 2". That's now 36 1/4". You only have 2 3/4" left over.

aww nuts :(

Matt I bet you could do some kind of creative hooking up with those to get it so one shine through the rack itself? Like bolt it to the floor. Or am I not thinking the right way with that rack?

no you're thinking correct... that would be possible. What I think I'm going to do is see how wide it would look to get 6 on there, if it'd look stupid I won't do it I'll leave it at 5. But really if you could make the lights fit PAST the roof rack you could get more in, that would require some slight welding of tab add-ons to the tabs that are on the rack. Who knows, maybe I'll just leave it at four... we'll have to see what it looks like with lights on the side (I'm going to be hooking up a set of PIAA 80 Fog lights pointing left or right). I mainly want it to look cool, extra light is always a bonus but not required :).

Hey Matt,
How about a set of 1400 clear fogs set on the side as close to the front as possible facing at a 45 degree angle towards the front. I was thinking about that myself.
They wouldn't stick out so herrendiously since they are small and would give you what you want, which is light towards the front side down for crawling at night. You could angle them down to see the front tires if need be. What do you think. That's what I was thinking. :cool: He needs the shades to be able to see from all the lights that Matt has on his truck. Maybe you should call your truck Sunshine, with all the lights your gonna put on it, it will certianly look like sunshine. Hell, you could probably get a tan standing in front of it. :D

Cost man

I found a 40x60 for only 200.
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Anyone used this company before?

Ray - thats an idea. I am already putting on the 80's, although maybe I can try to get a hold of some 1400's as well. Have you hooked up your 520's yet? Are they the fog or the driving?

i got mine at performance products
45x60 ref #860004 $184.70
it's not on the site, but in the catalog
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I'm at work so I can't measure.
But won't 45 inches width hang over the edge?
Also was this made for the Explorer?
I e-mailed Performance and the guy told that a 39x60 would cost 400!

Mine is 45x50 and it does not stick out past the side of the truck in fact it is about 2" inside the edge of the truck.

45x60 looks

i just put mine on Sat. 45x60
i see if i can get picture posted when i get home tonight.

Hi Kieth,
There are only 2 manufactures IMHO that make a rack that will take a beating and still look good.
Garvin industries Wildreness Rack and Con-Ferr.
I wished I had the money to get the Garvin, but My Con-Ferr will do just fine. If you want it just for looks, then just about anything will work, but if you are going to use it the way it was intended, do yourself a favor and get a good one.
I would hate to spend $200.00 and find out that it crushes when your throw your spare and a suite case up on it.



I was going to order a Surco rack from Performance Products. I heard they were good racks and my friend Rod (Sinjin[PEZ]) has one and he has used it a lot and it's doing great.

Well tonight was the night for the co nferr installation... gotta say so far I'm not too happy with it. Well a little bit with FOur-wheel parts performance centers ( adding to my idea that they have morons for employees and don't know how to order parts). It's the right rack, a little bit skinner then I though, looks almost a little too skinny but that's allright, I'll get used to it. They I didn't realize that they rou nded in about 6 inches in every corner which is really going to screw up my lighting plan for the roof. Anyways, the rack came with half as many nuts and half as many washers as it was supposed to come up with, two trips to the hardware store (of course I don't check the items first, that would be pretty stupid wouldn't it?) :). Well anyway, got the rack up there finally, it's going to require some more adjustment lately but its on there for now. Then, I ordered 9 light mounts and what I got from 4-wheel parts was 3. THey looked at the receipt and said I had only ordered 5, since I had to order 4 pairs and one single. There were 6 brackets which equals out to 3 light mounts (they didn't realize that and I didn't realize it until installing them), and of course 4-wheel said they gave me the right parts for what I ordered and if I wanted more I'd have to buy them, argh. So they're getting a nasty call, especially since I've got a bunch of lights to install still and now I've got wires dangling around up there since I can't get the lights up. Anyways, hpoefully some of this will get straightened out tomorrow, though the idiots there will probably stretch it out for a month or so.

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I asked Paul Sabin about his Con-Ferr rack. He has the same one that we do, but I don't remember it being narrow. I thought about the universal rack that's 42"X60", but Paul told me his was 39"X59", so that's what I ordered. I thought it looked real nice on Pauls' truck.
