Sitting for 2 years, gonna fire up 95 4.0 OHV, anything I should do first? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sitting for 2 years, gonna fire up 95 4.0 OHV, anything I should do first?


Elite Ranger
Staff member
Elite Explorer
July 14, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Omao, Kauai
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Ranger XLT 4X4
I have a spare Ranger that I bought cheap, it's been parked outside for 2 years or so untouched.
I now want to get it running. It ran when parked.
Are there things I should do before I try to start it? Like pull the plugs and pour in some oil, or drain the gas and put in some fresh? Not sure if things like that are for when it's been sitting 10 years, or just more than a few months?
My goal is to get the engine running, then have my mechanic check out its condition to see if it's worth putting any money into. So it will either get made into a driver, or relegated to a parts truck.
It's a 95 Ranger 4x4, 4.0, with just 96,000 miles on it. I never had it on the road, but it was driven 25 miles to my house when I bought it.
Any advice appreciated!


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Unplug the ignition coil and fuel pump relay and crank the engine with the starter for 3 15 second bursts. That way you can build oil pressure and avoid causing any damage. Of course do all the normals first (change oil, good charged battery and inspect for varmint damage ect.)

On the fuel note I would put an additive in it and run it out, change fuel filter and go from there. It's definitely not ideal but it will run.

Are those factory level 2 Alcoa wheels on it?

The rims are Mickey Thompson, a nice bonus that alone is worth more than I paid for the truck!
Good tips on the prestart, I do definitely need to change the black oil. Are you talking about a heet type product for the gas?
I still need to replace a couple parts I stole off of it to keep my main truck running, like a starter, a pulley, etc. but within the week, I should be giving it a fire up.

I don't have the best experience with additives but I've been told by many if your putting an additive in your tank make sure it comes in a metal can. If it's in a plastic container it can't be but so powerful.

I would flush the tank, did the same thing to an old dodge, the debris in the tank killed the pump

I would use something like Heet. The main thing I'd be worried about is moisture in the tank. I'd consider siphoning it out, if it doesn't have a ball/screen that prevents it. Or siphon thru the vent hose.

Is that truck lifted?

For some reason, when I see your pic of that Ranger with the Hawaiian backdrop, I hear the Magnum P.I. music. You should peel out in THAT and not some pretentious Ferrari.

Rhett, it has a 3" body lift and 32"s.

I still have done nothing to this yet, I guess I'm on Hawaii time.
