Trail Welding video | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Trail Welding video


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Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
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City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
..I ran across this video of a company who puts these kits together for sale. I thought it was useful and something that most groups going wheeling would like to have one of in their group. :D

..I never see anything like this anymore posted so I thought I would share for those who never have seen this done..This can easily be done with 2 batteries with the same results..:popcorn:


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Very cool, I wonder how well you could weld using the starting battery with the truck running. It'd be much easier to bring jumper cables and a rod. All I'd need to add to my normal wheeling kit would be the rod, and welding helmet.

Very cool, I wonder how well you could weld using the starting battery with the truck running. It'd be much easier to bring jumper cables and a rod. All I'd need to add to my normal wheeling kit would be the rod, and welding helmet.

I would strongly advise not welding using that battery connected let alone with your vehicle running...But if you do please video it and keep us updated.

...Welding with a single battery with only jumper cables vs 3 batteries (out of the vehicle and like in the video) would be like using a Harbor Freight 90 amp welder vs a Lincoln Welder..:hammer: #BigRed

I would strongly advise not welding using that battery connected let alone with your vehicle running...But if you do please video it and keep us updated.

...Welding with a single battery with only jumper cables vs 3 batteries (out of the vehicle and like in the video) would be like using a Harbor Freight 90 amp welder vs a Lincoln Welder..:hammer: #BigRed

I don't mean welding to the vehicle with the battery in it. But say I pass an old ford with a broken shock mount. I wonder if I could just use jumper cables with the rod from my battery to the other truck. Idk, don't see why it wouldn't work but I don't wanna be the first to try it :D

You wouldn't be the first and it's common to see at a lot of the remote events I'm at.

..Two good batteries, 2 sets jumper cables, and clean dry welding rods. There are several variables as the amps are lower with only 2 batteries and the "bite" you get with all the clamps of cables between batteries, at the ground and the welding stick.

A person would upgrade what they are carrying ( instead of jumper cables) a couple 20" 4 ga. battery cables to connect the batteries and a couple 10' leads with clamps and battery connectors firmly fastened. It is real common to use old extra heavy duty battery cables for these leads.

Good connectors allow you to get the .ost amperage you have to work best for you in these situations...Nothing worse than being way out in a remote area trying to weld with this set up of only jumper cables and trying to wiggle everything together and weld something that needs to get you to safety. :)

I don't mean welding to the vehicle with the battery in it. But say I pass an old ford with a broken shock mount. I wonder if I could just use jumper cables with the rod from my battery to the other truck. Idk, don't see why it wouldn't work but I don't wanna be the first to try it :D

You are creating a high amperage short across the battery leads. Your alternator isn't going to like that one bit.
