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Tread Lightly Training


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
...One of the ways you can help keep these lands open to all different types of Enthusiast is by taking a free "Tread Lightly" course..

..This will help educate yourself and others on a better "Ethic" to use while on these lands and waters..Yes, it now also covers water sports.

..This course is geared to all outdoor people from hiking and mountain biking to gun enthusiast, offroaders, ATV, and boaters.

..No matter what type of enthusiast you are, we all share the same responsibilities on these lands as we are the ambassadors of the sport we are seen participating in..Be seen doing something positive..:biggthump

..For more information contact me or go to

Tbars4 - Tread Lightly Trainer..:D

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..That is some good info and yes, it's just common sense..:D

..If someone is bored after reading that page and still have about 45 minutes to kill, take a quick test. There is an online awareness course located here..

..It's just for fun and an overview of that page but you will have a score at the end and if you pass, you can print out an official "Tread Lightly 101" certificate..:biggthump

..The test is also good for kids too that are just sitting at the computer especially before you take them out camping, boating, wheeling, heck, most anything outdoors..;)

..That is some good info and yes, it's just common sense..:D

you know what they say though, common sense isn't so common.

..Common sense is an inherent trait..:D

..It's easier for all to learn by the actions of others than it is to sit them down and teach them new ways...:scratch:


Tread Lightly! said:
As part of both the "Educate Yourself" and "Do Your Part" principles, this week I am encouraging everyone to take a small amount of time out of your evening and complete our Online Awareness Course.

This online activity covers the basics of the Tread Lightly! principles and is a wonderful way to quiz your knowledge of what responsible recreation means to us as a community.



Also, everyone who completes the course is entered into a drawing for a free hat, courtesy of Cabelas.

...and a well deserved bump it is..:D

..I was recently talking to the only Tread Trainer Teacher in California and I brought up when the new Class will be..

..At this time there may not be a Tread Trainer Class this year...With only one certified in the State, we are limited to when the one class a year is..:(

..I thought about moving up the ladder myself but I'm not sure I have the time but I am keeping an eye out for when the next class will be..:shifty_ey

..I looked at their site last night and it is under construction..:(

..There used to be a look-up for trainers with a full print out but now there is a map only and it's missing a bunch.

..I also looked up the Tread Trainer classes and it only shows 2 in the nation this year and the closest one to me is in Kansas..

..I did see they had a phone # to call though, you might try that.

..I'll try to touch base with my Master trainer and see what's up too.

We've scheduled a Master Tread Trainer Course for December 14-15. It will take place at the Falley Scout Reservation in Oskaloosa, Kansas. To sign up, contact Thanks!

..So...are you headed to Kansas?

Doubtful. Though there are likely other EFers in the area. Besides, I'm waiting on [MENTION=63829]Tbars4[/MENTION] to get higher up the food chain so he can start training classes. Come on down to TEXAS Ted! :D

Doubtful. Though there are likely other EFers in the area. Besides, I'm waiting on [MENTION=63829]Tbars4[/MENTION] to get higher up the food chain so he can start training classes. Come on down to TEXAS Ted! :D

...I'm not in a big hurry to get higher up on the food chain as there is always those who want to knock you off the rungs..I enjoy running around on this level though and I'm pretty sure enough time has passed and Texas will let me back in it's borders..:biggthump

..In the words of Jerry Jeff Walker, If I could just get off of this L.A. Freeway..:burnout:

..I do need to make some time though and find out what's going on out here with Tread Lightly Training..

..This just in..:popcorn:

..Out of the clear blue I just nw received notice of a Tread Trainer course happening in California..


Tread Lightly!®’s Tread Trainer™ course is an 8-hour course designed to provide a “crash

course” on outdoor ethics focusing on motorized and mechanized or water recreation.

Participation in the course qualifies individuals to present the Tread Lightly! message to others in

their state or region. Participants will work with Master Trainers or Tread Lightly! staff on

understanding the role outdoor ethics play in the recreation community, learn the Tread Lightly!

principles of responsible recreation and be provided with the tools to conduct workshops and

coordinate community outreach.

The key to a successful workshop is to have participants that are familiar with Tread Lightly!,

involved in community outreach or recreational training programs or are interested in developing

a higher awareness and competency on outdoor ethics.

Prerequisite: Go to The Tread Lightly! website and take Tread Lightly! 101 and print the

certificate and bring it with you to class.

When: November 16, 2013

Time: 7:45 am – 5 pm



includes lunch and all training materials.

Where: Wanikik Chapter House, behind the First United Methodist Church, 4845 Brockton Ave,

Riverside, 92506

If anyone is interested in doing this, contact me and I will get you connected to whom you need to submit your registration to..;)
