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Washer line fittings


Explorer Addict
April 30, 2001
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04 EB V8
Replaced the wiper cowls on my sport. Of course 15 year old plastic broke. Anyone have a source for the T fittings for the washer lines? Also need the plastic fitting going to the drivers side nozzle.


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I've bought an assortment of plastic line fittings at the auto
parts store's HELP section. "T" fittings, "L" fittings and straight fittings IIRC. Dorman stuff.

Or, are you referring to the fittings that clip to the cowl for each side washer nozzle?

No after those when they run to the washer motor. 1 line goes to a T fitting that supplies the passenger side nozzle, & then goes to the drivers side hose that feeds the drivers side nozzle. These are in the engine bay at the firewall.
I'll look in the help section.

So I got a whole set of fittings for vacuum lines...I can't get them to work. I get zero water to the nozzles. The pump works, It's squirting out of the main line from the pump to the 1'st T fitting. From there it spills all over at the fitting. My guess is the fittings I got do not seal around the hose enough to create enough of a seal. I am unable to find anything locally that will work. I'm up for suggestions......

had this problem myself a long time ago , i used small zip ties as hose clamps and it worked well

I thought about using zip ties too when I read the post. You could find tiny pinch style hose clamps in the Help section which are made for vacuum or fluid hoses. What is the diameter of these fittings?

I've got the whole line (fittings and all) I took from the JY if you're desperate.

SOB. The zip ties worked on the passenger side. Still unable to get the drivers side to squirt more then a few drops. At this point I'm done. The passenger side squirts enough so the wipers carry it over to the drivers side & does a good enough job. Amazing that worked.:chug:

Lol glad it worked for you too
