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  1. W

    the non-controversial Falcon Ute PICTURE thread

    Okay, I'll say it nicer this time, and with pics... In my humble opinion, these vehicles are freakin badass and Ford should sell them here. I know there are reasons why they don't, but I don't care about all that - I just want one!!!! This one is lowered with custom wheels, but the...
  2. W

    Does FORD motor co. HATE the USA???

    Does FoMoCo hate Americans? First off, they've KILLED a great American car company, Mercury. I'm still mad about that, and always will be. ...and now THIS! Turns out, they've been doing it for years! They're holding out on their American customers. They've been building some very...
  3. W

    bad fuel pump, or... something else?

    Yeah, and I'd call THAT a jinx! Some idiots just don't know when to shut up... OK, so i've noticed lots of times my '01 ST is a little slow to start - it cranks over enthusiastically, but takes several stumbling sputtering attempts before finally firing up, and then runs rough or dies...
  4. W

    ideas for yet another prerunner variant

    I started to kojack a similar thread, but then I figured my goal may be different enough to cloud the water, so... I'm another one who's thinking about trying to stuff 35's under a 2wd ST, but i'm looking at it from the perspective of getting as much clearance as possible underneath, while...