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  1. N

    Exhaust Leak: Donut Gasket Fix?

    Thanks for the reply. Assuming I can remove the existing bolts at that flange, would installing new bolts likely tighten the connection enough to fix the leak?
  2. N

    Exhaust Leak: Donut Gasket Fix?

    Good morning- I have a worsening exhaust leak where my exhaust manifold mates to the catalytic converter pipe. For reference, in the below photo the leak is near the bottom exhaust bolt (the left side of the flange). My question is: is there a donut gasket sealing that connection? I know...
  3. N

    Master Cylinder Adapter

    Hello all- I picked up a new MC for my '98 XLT (four door and w/ cruise control) and noticed that the rear fitting is larger than that on the stock MC I am replacing. The fittings on the stock MC are the same size. Has anyone who's replaced an MC had this issue and, if so, do you know what...