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  1. C

    2003 Alternator bad, will a 95 Alt swap in?

    Nope. I had a HO alt from my 91 that fits 1st and 2nd gen, and i went and bought a 3rd gen. had to get a new alt.
  2. C

    Lifter noise

    Ok. thanks for the advice:)
  3. C

    Lifter noise

    ok, so the big question is how long is it safe to run it like this? days? weeks? years? forever?
  4. C

    Lifter noise

    Hey guys. Yay, first post. Ive been watching this forum for a while when I first got my '91 Xl. We'll I rolled that one and bought a '91 EB. Well, it has the ol famous ticking lifter noise. What do you guys recommend I do about it? Ive got a few questions. Number 1, is it worth trying to quiet...