Project X = Window Repair | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Project X = Window Repair


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Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
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City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
...i repaired 2 front windows in 2 1/2 hours thanks to this great writeup which has lots of info and pics...any questions please check that link first...:thumbsup:
How to: - Power Window Bushing Replacement with Pics

(lost photos)

...since i got my X i had to always pull the drivers window up to get it to close...friday, my passenger side stops working and this morning it rained...needless to say, my spotter harley got bent out of shape so this needed to be adressed a.s.a.p....
...after pulling the front panel (drivers side) and the front speaker you will see 2 of the holes and on mine the screws were 5/16 heads... need to drill the dimple out with a 1/2" bit but since mine was packed up i had to use a 1/4" and i got a little creative......:D

...after getting the 3 screws out, unplugging the window motor and pulling it out, there was one rivet left on the cover...i pulled it straight back so it would go over the gear and be able to spin around so you could easily work on it...

...i then pulled the c-clip out and then the metal gear...if you will look close you can see the c-clip, it is pulled out but viewable...

...i then used a flat head screwdriver to dig the remnents out of all the nooks and crannies...(for surfers it's like digging out dr zogg's sex wax and for boarder's, it's like digging out p-tex) sure to get the remnents out of the big plastic gear too...

...i installed the dorman's help pack (see below),window regulator gear plugs, greased her back up, closed the lid, and re-installed...

...the help pack was #74410 and it worked perfect as stated in the other thread...
autozone - by me did not carry it
pepboy's- 12.99
kragen-11.99 my spotter is happy again and so am i...:D

...I still need help finding the writeup for the rear window fix as mine has the cables, thanks

..Here is the fix for rear window's with cables...;)
How To: First Gen Rear Window with Cables Fix

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I did mine about 2 mons ago but I bought the kit off ebay for 10bucks. The rear motor unbolts then pulls off the cable

source for window track/sashes?

What a great diy! just when I was about to through in the towel on my Xplorer.
2 windows in 2 weeks
Question, my driver window has jumped track, and the outside rubber has deformed. I suppose its cause the gear bushings are trashed Gonna need a new track to keep the wind noise and get a good seal around the door. Wanted to find out where to buy a new track, any ideas? can try the local junk yard, or contact kbabiak who is a member here and he is on the bottom of the forums page, or ...;)

Thanks guys for this write up... NO windows work on my Sploder.. I have fixed both of the passenger side windows today. I'm gonna do the drivers side back next.. The window in the drivers side door is off the track and has a 2x4 holding the window up.. I suspect its gonna be a little more to that one...

...Your welcome and Good luck on the rear window...Mine has the cable system and I haven't fixed the rear window yet...My 2x4 is still doing good though...:thumbsup:

Thanks a lot. Im not a car guy but this made it very easy!

..I'm glad to be of some help..:salute:

..My windows are still working fine and they pretty much get daily use...It's getting summertime and it's great to have all the windows in working order..:D

Had to do this on my 87 Stang as well. It's kind of a pain getting it back together with three brand new pieces but can be done. I have to do both front windows on my 99 Exploder.

...My trick was to fit all 3 pieces in at once and then sandwich the unit closed..;)

..I did first try to put them in one at a time and it wouldn't work that way.. Went together real easy after I figured they would only work without damage if they all went in together..:hammer:

...the help pack was #74410 and it worked perfect as stated in the other thread...
autozone - by me did not carry it
pepboy's- 12.99
OUCH! Those Chinese like driving automobiles! Where's Chiang Kai-shek when we need him?
Dorman Help! Window Regulators Gear Plugs #74410 O'Reilly auto parts - $7.99

when you get the three screws out just pull on the back of the motor where the two cables are. it will just pull off and allow you to get the motor out. The cables are attached to a female gear that plugs into the metal gear on the window motor. When you put the motor back in you will have to line up the metal gear on the window motor to the one attached to the cables. Not too hard, just a little time consuming.(Trust me, the second one will be easier than the first) The three screws that you take out also hold the female gear in place on the metal gear of the window motor, so make sure that those line up as well. Hope this helps
