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TDS Anyone?


Elite Loser
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Elite Explorer
November 29, 2000
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City, State
San Diego, PRofK
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT
I was just going to post the title and leave it at that, but thought I might need to elaborate. TDS (Tierra del Sol) is a club that has an annual event in the Truckhaven Hills area near Salton Sea, California. It usually attracts about 50,000 people over the weekend. It is held the first weekend of March (6-8). We are planning on going and camping somewhere away from the main event site to stay out of the dust and drunks (we can visit, then go back to our quiet space in the desert).

Event information can be found here

They don't state exactly where its being held this year, but for the past several years its been off of S-22, a few miles west of SR-86. We usually camp up on the mesa a few more miles west of there.

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Sure, why not. Since I missed out on the last run with the ranger, I got it back in order and ready to wheel.

Can't believe I forgot this!! Yes as long as a part for Icarus arrives in time!

I would still like to attend an event and meet up with some of the guys that have helped me along in my build process....long as I don't have to work, I'm down!

Never been out there, so what ever you guys suggest is good with me...I prefer to rough it anyway! :D

Sounds good.
Hey you just wanted the shorter drive this time!!! Lol

Heck yeah i'll be there!!!

Only thing I can't decide is which truck I'm gonna bring!

I could bring my explorer, which I have brought the past few years and is always a blast.. as seen in these clips from TDS

OR should I take the bronco I finished building?

I'm also building a '92 explorer which my wife will be bringing, it'll have a 4" lift, detroit locker and 33's. hope to have that ready in time, too :)

Bronco !!!!!!!!!!!!!

TDS is being held down on the flat of S-22, approximately three miles west of SR-86. If we camp on the mesa, we will be a few miles from the main area, and out of the noise and dust. Plus, closer to the Truckhaven Hills area. Does everyone know where to find the mesa? I looked, but can't find the thread with real good directions. The turn off of S-22 is about a mile west of the large relay tower on the north side of the highway. A hard packed dirt road runs along the edge of the mesa.

Im pretty sure I know where to go...if not I'll give you a ring.

Looks like my buddy Mike and I should be out there by Thursday (5th) afternoon, with the wives coming out Friday evening. Maybe another friend of ours, Brian Simms and his family (another green Jeep). We will hopefully be able to get a good spot on the mesa. I can then drive out to the street and post accurate directions to the site. For those of you who have been up on the mesa before, we are going to try to get a site closest to one of the two trails that drop down into Truckhaven area. Its kind of cool to go into low range right out of camp.

..IIRC those two trails down get pretty messed up after a does the road up to the bluff..

..How is it looking for rain down there this week?

..IIRC those two trails down get pretty messed up after a does the road up to the bluff..

..How is it looking for rain down there this week?

The trails down are always a little messed up. There are also some easier ways down nearby.
Its supposed to rain today.
We are not planning on camping where you are thinking. That area, as far as I saw last trip driving past, is no longer accessible to RV's. I am not driving mine up that road anyway. The thought of getting stuck in that narrow passage with a 18000 pound RV is not my idea of a good weekend.
The site we are expecting to camp is about two miles further west. I have been camping there in a monsoon, and we were able to get out without issue. I was planning on placing an Explorer exit here sign on the side of S-22 at the turn off on Thursday. Non-Explorer operators, feel free to exit as well.

Don't think I'll be making this trip with my work schedule and working on the truck... :thumbdwn: Saving it all for Moab I guess! :D

Be out Saturday for a day run;)

Be out Saturday for a day run;)

A day run is better than no run, I always say.

Mike Kelley and I are going to be there around noon on Thursday. I will post accurate location then. Maybe, even some directions....maybe.

Our friends the Kelleys have initiated a Mexican Fiesta Pot Luck for Saturday evening. There are; us, the Kelleys, the Simms and their parents (12-14 people). We are bringing meat (beef and chicken), beans, cheese, taco shells, and taco vegetable condiments. If any others want to participate, please post what you are bringing. Ideas are chips, salsa, guacamole, sour cream, your favorite hot sauce, etc.. I also have two tables.

Lets post up who is coming and what you are bringing ASAP so we know how much to bring.

I'm in OC this week working but hoping to leave here early on Friday and load up the ranger. Probably get out there late afternoon or sundownish.

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