August 2014 TOTM - Biggest Load | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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August 2014 TOTM - Biggest Load

Who has pulled the most??

  • RedneckfordF250

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maniak

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Gerald

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • danielwilsey

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Froader

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Four0Sport

    Votes: 1 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
October 20, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Pulaski, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Explorer/2002 F-250
Its getting down to the end of the summer and you know we have been outside! For our August TOTM we need to see who has pulled the most! Picture required or it did not happen!!!

We will be accepting pictures to this threat until August 27th!!! Then the voting begins....


Announcement will be made describing the TOTM theme. Members will then have a 4 week period of time to post there submission. (For example: On 08/01 a thread will be started for the nominations. On 09/01 you will have 5 days to vote on the previous submissions (date will vary depending on when the 1st is). This way each winning member will receive a month to be the TOTM.)

One picture per member.

Anyone is welcome to submit a picture (Admins, Mods, & Members).

You may change your pictures if you like. Just do it before the time is up.

All entries must be of a Ford Explorer, Sport Trac, Mercury Mountaineer, Mazda Navajo, Ect. Go by the what the forum is for guys. Please don’t post pictures of your non-RBV's as your submission. There will be special times for you to do that.

You may submit any picture of anyones rig that is on this forum. (UPDATED 05/08/2012) Hope this helps you out.


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pull this every few days 20 miles:

In the trailer is all of my dads, moms, and my ridding equipment, Dad's 800lb 07 Harley Softail, 12 bricks and a complete full truck box of rags and wires for emergency. The trailer is made of all steel with wood paneling inside, carpet, and a custom shelf for holding oils and such. Explorer pulls it great as long as I put it in D not OD. One day I will see how well it does with my 600lb 73 Harley Sportster until I can finish my other motorcycle trailer.
Have a pic from side if needed.

Took this picture with a phone, way back before smart phones...

towing the Van with the explorer by maniak_az, on Flickr

No, this wasn't smart, Yes it worked, no I didn't hurt anyone.. I had to get the van home and luckily. I stayed on the edge of town and I don't think I ever went over 40mph. Nowadays I'd just call AAA or use the neighbors dually and his big trailer...


I'll nominate Gerald. Unfortunately his Explorer is no more because of the load he tows :( He decided to get a bigger tow rig and sold his Explorer :(


98 Exploraneer

In the Trailer is about 3,000 LBS full of Camping Gear, stoves, and poles for my Boy Scout Troop. The Trailer is about 1500-2000 LBS on its own so I figured total I was towing about 5,000 LBS, needless to say, I sure did feel it back there, but Dora didn't do half bad when it came to towing it around town.


I guess it would be mean to post a picture of my ex-wife riding in my mountaineer for this month

Thanks for the entry, Rick. Yep - towing 6,200 lbs worked great until it didn't. LOL.

Actually the 6,200lb load was with my last Explorer towing an even bigger boat. The photo you posted was of Herc towing a 5,800lb boat and it did it successfully for many summers. Herc finally wore out, but it was from trail abuse not towing. I took Herc's tranny out to replace the one I blew up towing the bigger boat before I sold it to my brother. So Herc II has Herc's old tranny in it and it is still as strong as ever :thumbsup:

woooo first vote :)

Get your votes in :D

Look at what SCHOE2 did. I know this doesn't really work this way but here's their story

A few years ago I was going to tow a 1997 XLT Sport. No big deal under normal circumstances, right? I was going to tow it with my 1992 XLT Sport with a clutch and a 4.0. I live in southeast Michigan and was going to upstate New York in the Allegeney mountains to get the 97. There was no 2 wheel dolly to tow with when I got there only a 4 wheel car hauler at U-Haul. I did not have a choice. I ended up towing the whole thing back to Michigan with no problem. But, I would never do it again! I do not recommend anyone to do what I did. Total weight of the tow (trailer and 97 XLT) was approx. 7000 lbs. give or take 200-300 lbs. The point of this is to simply say that Explorers are tough vehicles and can take a lot. I was doing a lot of praying, thank God! I still have the 92 and the 97 but I am selling the 92 to a friend who wants it real bad and I just got a 99 XLT on Friday with 86,000 miles on it (1 owner).

Have we ever had a tie before???

Congratulations to both [MENTION=62]Maniak[/MENTION] and [MENTION=1600]FROADER[/MENTION] :chug: :bounce:

Congrats guys. I have to say they deserve it pulling those loads. I personally couldn't see pushing my explorer through that. I barely feel confident pulling what I posted. LOL

Thanks all..... and Congrats Froader....

btw, Redneckfordf250, Maybe that is the reason our Explorer is on it's 6th transmission in the last 390k miles.. (3rd 700r4, 1st one really shouldn't count, it was built wrong)..


Just noticed your location is Arizona. Not sure where Vail is.
Also didn't know they had 700R4s in explorers let alone Fords. Mine has the A4LD.

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Thanks for that info.
