Need help with 94 2.3 ranger | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need help with 94 2.3 ranger


New Member
April 19, 2016
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Federal way, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 ford ranger 2.3
My buddy and I rebuilt the motor and reconnected everything but one wire that we can figure out were it goes. The truck won't start and it turns over fine and has fuel but doesn't have spark. Does anyone know we're the connector that has two wires coming from it goes? One wire is black with a pink stripe and the other one is purple with an orange stripe.

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I'm not that familiar with the 2.3 but with a 4.0 cranks but won't start and has fuel but no spark I would be looking at the crank sensor.

What's the wire connected to?

The crank sensor is brand new, I can't find were it's connected to that's what I need help with

Well follow the wires and see where it goes. If we know B we can figure out A

The connector leads to a big white connector with 4 wires one is black with a pink stripe the other one is purple with an orange stripe then pink with a blue stripe then another wire that is pink with a blue stripe
