"Must do" camping south of Salt Lake City? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Must do" camping south of Salt Lake City?


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
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City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
..I don't get thru Salt Lake as much as I used to but I have the opportunity this weekend/next week to spend a day or two camping..

..Any "have to see" camping spots between there and Cedar City?

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...Are we meeting up?..:)

Not this time Ted but Zion is on my list to visit sometime. I read somewhere today that National Park admission is free on Monday. Might coincide with your return trip?

I used to live just outside the Park and it's been twenty years since I've been there..

..I scored a two hour Ranger ride along and narration of what all the park has to offer and how it has changed..

..If you are a hiker/biker or climber, this park has lot's of cool stuff for you..

..and thanks to Brian1 for sharing, I got in for free..It's $25 bucks otherwise plus $16 for camping..:D

..The south end where I was definitely not..

..traffic used to be so bad there they installed a shuttle service and prefer you park outside the park as the impact and smog was killing the canyon..

Now there is primitive camping if you enter from the north thru Kolob canyon and head towards Lava pits (name iirc).
