April 2012 TOTM Contest - "Most capable IFS truck" | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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April 2012 TOTM Contest - "Most capable IFS truck"


always liked this picture. I will let the viewers decide. :D

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I almost forgot I had an "IFS" rig. Mine is most capable of being a shelf/storage compartment/versatile. Capable was not specified in the rules. :D

4x4 - 33s - 4.56s - rear locker - dog leash


This contest wouldn't be complete without Herc:D


Im not like extreme member or anything but mine is pretty capable.



Was just going to ask, you've got to add a better action shot, until I saw the Link :salute:
But this does bring up... Should they be street legal or is it "Run what you Brung" type thing?
Whoa! just noticed it's tagged never mind.
Well I said earlier "it should be interesting".

Capable is in the eye of the beholder. Most capable camping rig, go fast, mud, rock crawler. I think all should be considered.

Johnstone did it all on IFS

Dan Waters & Carlover have capable rigs

Herc for sure

Excellent point! Had to go back and check the Title of the contest.

yeah, it has tags and totally street legal, haha. This was the first trip out since the 8 month rebuild so there aren't many action shots except for that video.

..And Mounty71's V8 is very capable too..:biggthump

Mine is most capable of being a shelf/storage compartment/versatile. Capable was not specified in the rules. :D

4x4 - 33s - 4.56s - rear locker - dog leash

Sounds like Deuce's current state... The LOL came after 'dog leash' :D

i always liked gman's rig myself. from the pics ive seen of it, it looks capable of being offroad, on the road, carrying gear, and all the in-betweens. when i hear capable, i like to think of versatility. some crawlers are awesome at crawling, but arent the best for camping, carrying gear like bikes and boards, or arent even street legal. i like rigs that can get to the trail and then hit it. may not be the best at one thing, but good at a lot. all the rigs on this thread are awesome but if i was going to build a ifs 2nd gen id do it like gman's.


Cool pic!


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