Sport Trac rear bumper impact bar | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sport Trac rear bumper impact bar

I have a brand new, never opened sport trac rear bumper impact bar, part # 17906. It is the piece that is behind the rear bumper. It is a Ford part that I had ordered then was rear ended the day I picked it up so now insurance is taking care of it and since its a special order part they wont take it back. I want $275 for it plus shipping. It is originally $350 from Ford. PM if you have any questions, thanks.


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bump.... 250 plus shipping. I just want it gone. New still in box, Ford part.

Your price isn't the problem, the problem is finding someone who needs it.
Good luck

I know right... :( thanks though.

Mention this when you settle with the insurance company. You might be able to get a few bucks

Yea the problem is that I had ordered it before the accident because when I took the bumper off to paint I noticed it was broken. So since I ordered it before the accident they are himmin and hawwin about it. I even tried to sell it to the body shop but they wont take it even though they need it. I am going to try the insurance company again though.

Don't show the receipt :D
Body shop probably can't take it for their own insurance reasons. But I don't know

bumper part

If you still have the bumper and willing to sell for $200 for bumper and shipping I am willing to pay. but I need to make sure it fits 2001 sport trac if you wish you can e-mail me at

Email sent.

Resurrection Bump, still have it. If anyone needs this thing make me an offer. I need it out of my garage asap!

Sport Trac Impact Bar

Looking for a 2001-2005 Sport Trac rear impact bar, anyone still have one they need to get rid of? Am located in California, where apparently bumpers get backed into things!......thanks

Yes I still have the rear impact bar, which is the support under the bumper.

Where are you located? Do you think you would be able to ship it?

I can either be in the san fernando valley or riverside area. I will ship it but it will be on your dime. Where are you located?

I am in the SF Bay Area, in San Jose. Please contact me at I would have to factor in the shipping cost to San Jose to see if it would be better for me to buy yours (and finally get it out of your garage!!) or from an online retailer. (NOT my first choice, best price I have found is $242.00) I would love to be able to plan a road trip to Santa Clarita, (yeah Magic Mountain!) but again, the cost of gas to come to southern Ca, yuk. Let me know what we could work out, and put our explorer heads together!

Sport Trac Impact Bar

Looked at shipping cost from Santa Clarita. Guessed on a box 50" L x 10" x 10" W/D, with a weight of around 35 pnds. To get to San Jose, around $25.00 to ship UPS ground.

So if we can do this for a total under the $242.00 I saw online, I don't see a reason why this can't work out for both of us! Please contact me at and let me know if this is something we can work out. Thanks
