Government Motors Bailout Worth More than Bailout | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Government Motors Bailout Worth More than Bailout


DIY stunt double
Staff member
Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty
I for one am very displeased with the court ruling. GM knowingly ignored a major issue with their cars, I feel the government helped cover it up so they could get their "bailout" loan paid back. Since the government funded them, are they not also liable?

I know this is "borderline" political discussion, however it is 100% auto industry news. Hopefully we can discuss this rationally.

Well, the government IS pretty good at covering things up. For a few months or years, at least.

I'd say the "government" as a whole shouldn't be liable for any defects, but individual government officals who were involved in a cover up should be publicly exposed by name and prosecuted accordingly, both criminally and have to pay their share into any settlement, even if that means garnishing their wages for the rest of their lives.

There is still a chance that a Court of Appeals will find that GM is liable, then it would be up to the Supreme Court to say that it isn't.

In any rational world, a company like GM would of course be automatically liable once something of the magnitude of the ignition switch defects is found.

We have way too many lawyers and judges working on the wrong side of the law, against the interest of public safety. That in and of itself should be a crime.

So far, I'm seeing more of a conspiracy theory thread than a borderline political one. Either way will be entertaining so post away! I'll get the popcorn. :D
