2010 Navigator/Expedition Turn Signal Flasher Location? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2010 Navigator/Expedition Turn Signal Flasher Location?


Elite Explorer
February 2, 2000
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Albuquerque, NM
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1991 XLT
2010 Lincoln Navigator (Same as Expedition) Where is the electronic turn signal flasher?? The owners manual doesn't help and Google has failed so far. It is not in the under hood fuse block and it is not in the passenger kick panel fuse block. I have torn apart the lower dash around the steering column and searched under it for something that looks like the square relay that the replacement flasher is but I can not find it! It is really dumb that Ford hid the Flasher in a place that is not very obvious or easy to service.

The problem I am trying to track down is a rapid flash on the right signal and all the bulbs check out so I'm hoping the Electronic Flasher is the culprit but I need to find it.

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This may sound silly.. But are you sure it has one? It could be integrated into the body control module, or something similar.

I'll dig into service information I have access to and let you know what I find.

Benjam :D

The turn and hazard flasher is an electronic function integrated into the Smart junction box, or GEM.

Benjam :D

I can't explain why all the parts stores list it as a simple flasher. All I can say is that my service information talks about how it is integrated into the smart junction box, or GEM, and there is no more physical flasher.

Location of the GEM is listed as behind right front kick panel in the navigator.

Do you have any codes in the GEM? It just flashes rapidly when you hit the right turn?

Benjam :D

..I'll come back later to see if I can help more but a common issue of a rapid flash on one side usually indicates a miswire issue on that side of the vehicles lights..

..This commonly occurs with trailer wiring or any splicing done to the light wires...I'm not sure if this is your case but if not, another thing to look for is chaffed wires against any metal which can be causing two wires to touch.

..If you can't find any issues with the trailer wiring or the wiring before the turn signal bulbs, let me know if these re any help with the rapid flashing..


If the turn signal (also known as a blinker or flasher) blinks rapidly or doesn't blink at all / stays stuck when engaged, this is your Navigator's way of telling you that a turn signal bulb is burnt out. Troubleshooting for burnt out turn signal bulbs in your Navigator is relatively easy - turn your hazard lights on and check the front of your Navigator and then the back, whichever side is not illuminating is the side with the burnt out bulb. We recommend that you change both the driver and passenger side bulbs at the same time as they get dimmer over time and if one is out, then the other one is likely to burn out soon.

..and if this is any help locating the flasher..:popcorn:


How to Replace Your Turn Signal Relay in a Lincoln Navigator

The Lincoln Navigator is possibly one of the largest sport utility vehicles on the market. It certainly is near the top in price. One nice feature about this vehicle is that some of the more routinely repaired components are easy to access and replace. The turn signal relay is one of these parts. A few minutes and you can change the relay and be on your way.

Removing the Steering Column When Replacing a Turn Signal Switch
Diagnose Turn Signal Problems

Things You'll Need

New replacement turn signal relay


1 Locate the electronic module that houses the relays. The Navigator has a set of relays that are all connected in a strip module.

2 Search for the module above the accelerator pedal under the dash. The module is directly above the visible diagnostic tool connector. The module is a rectangular black box with a snap lid. It will be easier if you remove the module before trying to remove the relay.

3 Find the metal support that the module mounts onto and slide the module down. Once the module is free of the support, bring it out into the open. When the module is out in the open the lid will be easy to remove.

4 Remove the turn signal relay and replace it with the new one. Place the lid back on the module and slide it back up the support arm.

5 Start the Navigator and check all the lights, especially the turn signals.

It is 100% stock. No trailer harness or other wiring has been spliced.

Hazard lights flash normal, all lights work.

I spent half a day tearing the drivers dash apart to get a better view under it and found no rectangular black box above the gas pedal or directly behind the diagnostic connector

There were 2 relays/contactors/etc in the main fuse box under the hood that said it was for the trailer wiring flasher that you could hear click when the turn signal was on and I swapped them side to side with no change.

Same problem w/ an 08 Nav. Was the final solution being the flasher is integrated in the Smart Junction Box (aka, fuse panel)? Fix being new box and programming at a dealership?

Regards, KK

Same problem w/ an 08 Nav. Was the final solution being the flasher is integrated in the Smart Junction Box (aka, fuse panel)? Fix being new box and programming at a dealership?

Regards, KK

It turned out to be a bad bulb in the tail lights. It was hard to notice in the daytime since those lights are big and use more than 1 bulb. And still as far as I know the flasher is built into the circuitry somewhere and not a replaceable item. Check all your bulbs, getting a new board/box sounds expensive! Good luck.

The turn and hazard flasher is an electronic function integrated into the Smart junction box, or GEM.

Benjam :D
I have the same problem as in this thread - i.e., 08 Nav, left turn signal flashing fast, right and hazards flash normal. Was the final solution being the flasher is integrated in the Smart Junction Box (aka, fuse panel)? Fix being new box and programming at a dealership?

2010 Lincoln Navigator (Same as Expedition) Where is the electronic turn signal flasher?? The owners manual doesn't help and Google has failed so far. It is not in the under hood fuse block and it is not in the passenger kick panel fuse block. I have torn apart the lower dash around the steering column and searched under it for something that looks like the square relay that the replacement flasher is but I can not find it! It is really dumb that Ford hid the Flasher in a place that is not very obvious or easy to service.

The problem I am trying to track down is a rapid flash on the right signal and all the bulbs check out so I'm hoping the Electronic Flasher is the culprit but I need to find it.
I have a 2010 explorer and just recently Went through the same ordeal, toward the entire truck apart trying to find a flasher relaywent through the same ordeal, toward the entire truck apart trying to find a splash relay. well for some reason Ford decided to do away with the relay and now utilizes the smart junction box, essentially the fuse box inside. It has high sensing diode‘s in it and can be programmed to not look for the signal, that is the only way to bypass the rapid flash. You said you have checked all the bulbs, have you actually checked the sockets themselves to see that they are not grounded out? I that smart fuse box is quite expensive and frankly unnecessary, just the extra bit of technology to screw everything up. Well actually, I miss spoke. The rapid flash is coming from what they call a multi switch mounted on the column, it is your turn signal switch and hazard switch together the black box around the column . That controls all the flash flashers, the smart J box monitor is it so is it sense as a ground or some thing other than what it is looking for, it can cause the blinkers to wrap a slash. Same scenario when installing LED lights. Do you like some serves work, but because they are not putting out what the manufacturers bulbs were, the smart J-Box only knows it as a problem. So if you have change the bulbs to something other than manufacturer specifications, then you are likely to run into the same problem you’re having just food for thought

SJB Flasher microprocessor bad bulb indication could be disabled thru as-build chart.

As well as the headlights.
