'01 Sport RAP Module | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'01 Sport RAP Module


Well-Known Member
February 28, 2007
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New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport
I have checked everywhere for this damn code for my keyless entry. I can't find it anywhere. I don't have an owners manual or the owners card. I looked around online and I was sent to about 15 different places from under the dash to a sticker on the battery. No dice. Then I was told the combo was written on the RAP module in the left rear jack compartment but I can't find any such module. The only things in there are the jack and a little further up is the rear driver-side seatbelt thing.
Does anyone know for sure where it is? and maybe help me out with a picture or two? Thanks.

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Where have you looked?

I have a '01 Sport as well, and am in the same boat. Ihave only looked in the jack box so far. I have also heard behind the glove box, and behind the center passenger side support column. Let me know what you have found, and if I find anything, I will let you know as well.

That's what you get for driving a sport. LOL

The RAP module was in the jack compartment on my 2000xlt but I had to use a dental mirror to see the code.

Good luck and report back for all other sport drivers.


Somewhere on this forum someone mentioned taking the passenger airbag out and the number is under that somewhere. I think thats going to be my next adventure...


OK good news. The RAP module is behind the passenger airbag. Better news is that the code is on the RAP module. It took me about 10 minutes to get at the RAP. 7 of those 10 were me looking at the airbag trying the figure out how to get the damn thing out because I've never been in there before. Anyway, i took some pictures while i was in there but I don't know how to upload them. I feel like I need to be an elite explorer. So to sum up the code is behind the airbag on the top of the RAP module. If someone wants picture they can e-mail me at ats2400@email.com

You can upload them at www.imageshack.us and then take the direct url to the uploaded image and click the little picture icon in the new post field and paste it in there. Or you can put [img ]URL HERE[/img ] without those spaces.

Step 1: Lower the glove box, squeeze the sides and it pops down.

2: Using a ratchet remove the screws circled in red. There are two in the picture but three in reality. I couldn't get far enough underneath the dash to get the third one in. The third one is on the side opposite the screw on the left in a symmetrical pattern. The one circled in green you don't have to take out but I did anyway because it was getting in my way. Its for the latch for the glove box. The two screws on the far left and far right take an 8mm ratchet and the top one takes an 11mm. Those two on the far ends were pretty tight so just twist the hell out of it.

Step 3: Once you have all of those out take the out the airbag slowly because its attached to the dash via some wires that I would imagine are a pain to redo. (sorry no pic for this part I forgot to take it.) If you want you can unclip the airbag from the wire harness that it has but my little sister was running around the yard so I had her just hold it up so I didnt have to take it all the way out.

Step 4: Once the airbag is out of the way you will see a white box in the top left. It has two screws it that you can undo pretty easily.

The red circle is the wire harness for the airbag.
The green circle is the RAP module unscrewed. Where the 5 green zeros are is where your code will be, bolded.

You now have your code. Put all the screws back where you found them and close up. Have fun.


I will get mine in the morning. Thanks for looking. You're an elite explorer to me.:salute:

Glad to help out.

Got it!

:thumbsup: That wasn't bad at all. I wasn't too excited about handling the airbag, but it was ok. Only took me about 10-15 min.

Thanks a million for the pics and the tutorial. Same place on my '02 sport. Hardest part was finding the courage to play with the airbag. Hopefully this solves my problem.
