1st gen white face glo gauges | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1st gen white face glo gauges


Explorer Addict
October 15, 2008
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va beach
Year, Model & Trim Level
92explorer&94 ranger
this is my write up on my 1st gen glo gauges i figured some one would have done this before but after i installed them and searched i came up with nothing so here it is.this is the set i used from ebay for $30 he also carries the ac and some other gauges.these things were a piece of cake to put in,didnt take more than 30 min and they look great.they are white at day and can be changed from blue to green and have a dimmer,witch you might have to use because they are really bright.
these pic were taken with it getting dark out so they are not the best

first you will need to set your ebrake and board your tires if your ebrake dont work,then you need to take your car out of gear and put it in first gear(just for auto) next you need to pull your ashtray out and you will see two screws on both sides,i used a torx bit set because its magnetic,they are two t15 screws

next remove the molding around the radio,gauges and headlight and vents its one piece and just pops out,you need to unplug the 4x4 switch first before it will come all the way out,you will also see why you needed to put your car in 1st gear now so the molding will clear.
4x4 plug

now you will see a clear plastic lens that covers you gauges its next to go,there is 7 t10 screws that holds it in,they are the littler of the screws,you do not need to pull the gauges out to put this kit in

with that remove there will be a black piece that it mounts to you can remove that also

now you can start to slip the new gauges over your needles i started on the left side with the water and battery slip those on and do not bend the new gauges more than you need,next do the oil and fuel,do not secure these yet till both are in.now there is no screws that hold these two in so what i did was drill hole in the old gauges in the bottom and top,you will see notches where it looks like screws go,do not drill any bigger than the hole in the new gauges or drill the new gauges at all they will brake!!you can use glue if you do not want to drill,just make sure its really smooth and flat or else the needles will get stuck on it.


you can also see how i ran my wires in the second pic.
next is the speedo there is two screws that hold it in take them out carefully not to strip them and then slip the new speedo gauge on and aline it best you can,also i had to notch the black plastic where the new gauge connector is so it would sit flat,do not bend it,with it in place i took tin snips and sniped each side of the connector into the plastic and it made a notch for it to sit flat and then put the screws back in


next is the tach the harder part,you need to pull the tach out to be able to remove the screws the have nuts on the back,it just pulls right out,grab from the top and bottom and wiggle it till it pops out,you also might want to mark where the needle is just in case it falls off.when you have the old gauge out you will see three nuts on the back side remove them carefully and slip the new gauge on the front and put the screws and nuts back on.

not a very good pic but you cant miss them when you have the gauge out now put the gauge back in and run you wires where they wont get smashed by the black and clear thing,i ran them all towards the middle and down behind the steering wheel.put the black thing on first and make sure everything is clear then the clear piece,you are done with the gauges,next is the power,you have to hook it to a light that turn on with you head lamps the best place i found was the ashtray bulb.there should be three wires one in hot all the time and one is ground and the last is light blue with a dark red strip that is the switched power one that you will need,,hook you red to it and your ground to ground and mount your control switch.


put your molding back on and the two screws for the ashtray and turn your lights on and make sure your dimmer for you headlamps are all the way up then adjust the dimmer on the new switch to the brightness you want and if you want green or blue and your done no more dim dash or hard to see numbers,i love this mod its one you will see every day!!
couldn't get a good pic of the different colors but it bright and clear!!!!

so there it is simple as can be any question or comments,ask away,o and i hope i posted this in the right place:dunno:

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wow the whole thing glows? that looks sweet!

yea everything that is white changes either blue or green
Posted via Mobile Device

Thats awesome, seems REALLY bright from the pic, wouldnt that get annoying at night?

I wanna do the white-face gauges, but the whole thing doesnt light up, just the numbers and everything light up blue and red with LED's

it has a dimmer so its not that bad
Posted via Mobile Device

I wanna do the white-face gauges, but the whole thing doesnt light up, just the numbers and everything light up blue and red with LED's[/QUOTE]

really ive never seen a set like that,you got a link?or where you getting them from?

I will for sure, i actually planned on it lol.

Idk when im gonna get them, Im hoping to sell my x, and get like a 97-98 or so, but idk i just gotta see how my jobs goin, worked 2 weeks, still havent gotten a paycheck, plus theres some 50$ deposit fee for the union or w/e so thats gonna get taken out little by little plus taxes, plus union fees, its ridiculous, im hoping to find a nice 97 for around 3k, and talk them down to about 2700$ or so, so im kinda holding myself back from workin more on mine


I'm installing that set right now. here is a pic.

you will have to cut for the 3 screws on the tachometer, also that gauge has a hole for a needle perch that the factory gauge does not have so I need to find one to glue in to eliminate the hole.

I'm installing that set right now. here is a pic.

you will have to cut for the 3 screws on the tachometer, also that gauge has a hole for a needle perch that the factory gauge does not have so I need to find one to glue in to eliminate the hole.

I pulled the tach out and took the screws and nuts off and put the new gauge on using the old screws and nuts.I would not cut them
Posted via Mobile Device

I pulled the tach out and took the screws and nuts off and put the new gauge on using the old screws and nuts.I would not cut them
Posted via Mobile Device
There are no holes in the new gauge for those screws. If I don't poke holes for the screws I can not install the gauge.


See this is what I was talking about. If I don't poke holes then the gauge is useless anyway so it is worth the risk to me.

nevermind just noticed that you are talking about different gauges,i couldnt see them on my phone

...Hmmm, I just might have to look into doing this myself...They would really make my blue needles pop...:D

After poking the holes in the gauge did it work? Have been sitting on these for awhile now because of this exact situation.

I have not done it yet because I'm rebuilding the front and rear axles with 4.56 gears and lockers. Another problem I have is the new gauges have a needle perch hole on the tachometer and my factory gauge does not have this perch so its just a hole. I complained to him but he ignored me. I will let you know what happens when I finish it.

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those are the same
Posted via Mobile Device

they are different from the ones you've installed and the ones jlaudio is trying to install

my picture i got off ebay shows the same gauge, but one in daytime and one at night if that is what you mean
