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Scangauge II problems


Explorer Addict
February 11, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Canton, Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Mercury Mountaineer
I just got my Scangauge II. It hooks up OK and gives all of the standard gauges, but the only XGauge I have working is TFT (Trans Fluid Temp). That's the main one I wanted, but I really want to also use SLP (Convertor Speed ratio) and others.

Anyone with an '06-'10 Explorer or Mountaineer (with the V8 and 6-speed trans) have success with their Xgauges?

I have the code sheet printed from the Scangauge website. But how do I know which section to use (PWM, CANSF, etc)?

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Hi Brakeman,

I'm one of the techs that works for Linear Logic (ScanGauge) and I stumbled on to your post. I did some digging and it seems like the SLP XGauge we have posted on our website isn't supported by your vehicle. However I have an alternative that just might work.

Torque Converter Slip (RPM)
TXD: 07E12211B8
RXF: 0462051106B8
RXD: 3010
MTH: 000100100000

This is kind of an experimental code (hence why we don't list it on our XGauge page), so it may not work but it's worth a shot. Let me know if it works for you.

- James

Thank you, James!
I'll try that tonight when I get home, as well as any other codes I was thinking of using.

Torque convertor slip is exactly what I want to monitor. Since my OD-off button locks out both 5th and 6th (bringing rpm higher than I want for highway towing), I want to let it try holding 5th or 6th.... long as the convertor remains locked. Hence the main reason I bought the Scangauge. Monitoring trans temp and LOD (engine load) will also help me keep the trans from shifting and building heat.

James (Linear Logic),
Thanks again. Your numbers worked for me! At first I didn't understand what the numbers meant, then I remembered your post had "RPM" in parenthesis. Once the convertor warmed up and I found a longer stretch of road, the locked convertor gives a reading of "0", which must mean zero difference in convertor input/output speeds. In this case, it's not a percentage, but an actual subtraction of input and output RPM. Works for me. I just watch for "0" rpm difference, instead of "100" % locked.

For your info, this 6-speed trans was introduced on '06 Explorer and Mountaineer (4.6L V8 only). It may also be useful for '07 and later F150, since that's when F150 changed from 4-speed to 6-speed.

I now have confirmed use of the following:
LOD - not listed in the manual or website, but it came up without programing
TFT - I think I had to use the 2nd/alternate code
GR - website code worked

The only thing I haven't been able to produce is CTQ. The website list for FORD CAN has 2 codes, both of which don't work for me. If you have anything else that I can try, please let me know!

Either way, please tell your manager that I think you need a raise. Great job scanning the web for "Scangauge" hits, as I'm guessing that's how you found us. I'm sure this thread may even drum up more business for you. I'm also posting info on Forest River Forums, where there is already a lengthy Scangage thread in the towing section.

All great info. I have been putting off buying this gauge because of uncertainty on my part that trans fluid temp could be shown. Thanks brakeman for letting us know that tft indeed can be monitored.
And thanks also to James for showing interest in the consumer. Well done.

I what to monitor tft, coolant temp, volts and oil temp on the same read-out.

Only one I am not sure about is the Oil Temp...though the V-8's might have a sensor that picks up that data.

Otherwise you should be able to view what you listed.

You can also track fuel economy instantaneously, average fuel economy for the current drive, and average fuel economy for the tank on the display.

All great info. I have been putting off buying this gauge because of uncertainty on my part that trans fluid temp could be shown. Thanks brakeman for letting us know that tft indeed can be monitored.
And thanks also to James for showing interest in the consumer. Well done.

I what to monitor tft, coolant temp, volts and oil temp on the same read-out.
Coolant temp and voltage showed up as standard gauges (no programing required). TFT is available as XGauge.

Not sure about oil temp. I'll take a look.

Just ordered a Scangauge II with extra cable. Will swap back and forth with both my X's. Should have it by Monday.

Might be wrong on the engine oil temp. Thought that I had seen somewhere that it did. Oh well. Reading TFT is a must for me.

The only thing I haven't been able to produce is CTQ. The website list for FORD CAN has 2 codes, both of which don't work for me. If you have anything else that I can try, please let me know!

Well, this isn't Torque into the Torque Converter, however this XGauge might show you Net Torque.

Net Torque (Ft-lbs)
TXD: 07E12209CB
RXF: 0462050906CB
RXD: 3010
MTH: 003B00500000

Either way, please tell your manager that I think you need a raise. Great job scanning the web for "Scangauge" hits, as I'm guessing that's how you found us. I'm sure this thread may even drum up more business for you. I'm also posting info on Forest River Forums, where there is already a lengthy Scangage thread in the towing section.
No problem, I'll be sure to let my boss know! I did indeed stumble onto this by searching for "ScanGauge" and filtering it down to forum discussions. I like to keep an eye out for issues people might be running into and offering solutions when possible.

Not sure about oil temp. I'll take a look.

Give these two a try. I just named them EO1 & EO2 just to differentiate between the two in case one works and one doesn't.

Engine Oil Temperature (Degrees F)
TXD: 07E0220907
RXF: 046205090607
RXD: 3010
MTH: 000100080000

Engine Oil Temperature (Degrees F) - Alternate code
TXD: 07E0221310
RXF: 046245130610
RXD: 3010
MTH: 00090005F05F

As with before, these are pretty much not guaranteed, but they're worth a shot.

- James

Buying one


Be sure to tell your boss that your answers to these question resulted in sales of your product. I just ordered one.

Thanks for the help.

Did anyone get the engine oil temperature to work? I tried a couple I found but wasnt able to get it to work. Ill give these a try tomorrow and see if they work.
