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2016 Explorer Order Guide


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Elite Explorer
February 25, 2011
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2020 Explorer ST
I have a contact within Ford that has a ton of abilities. If anyone is looking on ordering an Ex, he can get you one usually in about 3 weeks from order to delivery at or below invoice (PM me)

I also have the order guide for anyone who wants to look at it, just click on the link.


Orders can be placed today, scheduling begins 3/12 and production starts 4/20.

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Clicked on the links and got a ton of pop ups, crashed my comp. Thanks

The link worked fine for me. Was nice to see what was included in each package.

Clicked on the links and got a ton of pop ups, crashed my comp. Thanks

I tried it 3 times last night and it worked fine as well as trying it now once I read your post.

No issues, no popups.

Worked for me too. Nice to be able to see the packages etc. Some new colours as well.


Thanks for the PDF. Good to see what's offered. So are LED headlights standard across all models?

I'm guessing that the answer is YES since the guide doesn't seem to differentiate nor specifically state LED for any model. What I did read in one of the reviews is that LED is on the low beams. Not sure if that means that there is a separate bulb for high beams. :dunno:


They should option it with the 2.7L instead but I guess that 4 cyclinder should do better than the current 2.0L at least.

They should option it with the 2.7L instead but I guess that 4 cyclinder should do better than the current 2.0L at least.

The 2.7 is put into the Edge Sport where the Explorer Sport gets the eco 3.5. So based on that, I understand why they are using the 2.3. I think the 2.3 will be sufficient in the Ex.

The 2.3 in the mustang is more then 305hp and more then 300 ft lb which both figures are more then the standard 3.5 in the Ex now.

To me the 3.5 NA is sufficient but still would like to see more torque in that motor which is where the 2.3 will come in.

And yes, LED is standard across all trims.

I'm guessing that the answer is YES since the guide doesn't seem to differentiate nor specifically state LED for any model. What I did read in one of the reviews is that LED is on the low beams. Not sure if that means that there is a separate bulb for high beams. :dunno:


It said LED headlights on the Base model, with Halogen high beams. This probably means that its an LED lows/Halogen Highs setup across the board with no more HIDs on any model.

When you click the high beams, you want that to be an instantaneous switch. HIDs take a few seconds, and can be very dim at startup. The last thing you want when traveling in the dark is for your low beams to switch off, and have to wait a few seconds for the high beams to come up to strength. Halogens have a much quicker off-on time, and most people don't drive with their high-beams on for extended periods, so Ford can get away with leaving the High beams Halogen. At least we'll be able to put the HID conversion arguments to rest ;)

There is absolutely no delay or brightening on the HID lights I had in the Explorer nor on my current MKT. Everything fires right up instantaneously and with full brightness. I can confirm that because they always come on when I start up in the garage.


There is absolutely no delay or brightening on the HID lights I had in the Explorer nor on my current MKT. Everything fires right up instantaneously and with full brightness. I can confirm that because they always come on when I start up in the garage.


That's because the Explorer (and I'm assuming your MKT) use an internal shutter and a single bulb for Hi and Lo beams. There is no delay because the HID bulb is already ignited, and the shutter is just opening to let more light escape. With a setup that has separate bulbs for Hi and Lo beams, the Hi beams would take a moment to ignite with an HID setup.

^^^ you are correct, it does actually ignite immediately but I know what you are getting at.. it takes a couple seconds for it to "warm up" and get to full brightness. I do not see them using HID for high beams. I think it will be a regular bulb OR LED Highbeams as well.

I'm in the market for a new Explorer. Wanted a 2015 black xlt with appearance package, but then saw the 2016 and it's beautiful! Sad thing is I see no appearance package for it. Now to decide on which to get...

Did you guys notice on the 2016 promotional photos when you zoom in on the IP and center console the SYNC badge on the media hub lid STILL shows Microsoft..........WTF?

Did you guys notice on the 2016 promotional photos when you zoom in on the IP and center console the SYNC badge on the media hub lid STILL shows Microsoft..........WTF?
Why wouldn't it? It's still based on the platform. I'm sure there is a licensing agreement somewhere that spells out the requirement for the badge.

Why wouldn't it? It's still based on the platform. I'm sure there is a licensing agreement somewhere that spells out the requirement for the badge.

Because some of the 15 models now only have SYNC on that same size emblem, they dropped the Microsoft.

Did you guys notice on the 2016 promotional photos when you zoom in on the IP and center console the SYNC badge on the media hub lid STILL shows Microsoft..........WTF?

I'm sure those will be gone on the production models. Also notice that the tires of the Explorer on Fords site don't have any markings whatsoever on the sidewalls.

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I'm sure those will be gone on the production models. Also notice that the tires of the Explorer on Fords site don't have any markings whatsoever on the sidewalls.

Im guessing those pre-production models didn't have the finalized 16MY tire.

Hankook or Pirelli likely.

That reminds me of a few years back Dodge showed up to the Michigan State Police annual car test at Gratton Raceway with zero DOT tires.....the oval on the sidewall where the DOT markings are supposed to be was blank.

Not permitted by the test, must use production tires.

The rumor was they were using a non production higher performance tire to try and beat the EcoBoost PI Sedan.
