'01 Ranger SRS flashing 46 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'01 Ranger SRS flashing 46


New Member
June 29, 2007
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City, State
La Verne, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Ranger Edge Supercab
On my '01 Ranger Edge Supercab my airbag light flashes a 46. I've taken it in a couple times and the dealer could not find anything wrong. But those would be days when it wouldn't flash at all. It'll either come on as soon as I start the truck or just stay off the rest of the day. On this last visit to the dealer the service writer suggested turning the passenger airbag switch off and back on. The SRS light hadn't come on that day and stayed off until the next morning. He says that was the problem. I'm not so convinced. Anyone else have this problem? I'm ready to change that $100 switch but hate shotgunning and want to make sure. I'm selling the truck and want it to be right for the new owner.

Thanks in advance,

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Never believe anything a service writer says about technical issues. That guy was probably selling shoes at the mall last month. The only codes associated the PAD switch are 2-5 and 2-7.

Yours is the code for incorrect resistance on the seatbelt pretensioner circuit (code 4-6 driver side, code 4-7 passenger side). It is a common problem and is usually caused by a poor connection under the seat. Turn off the ignition, open the connector, clean the pins and reassemble. Applying dielectric grease to the pins should make the repair last longer. In rare cases, the connector might need to be replaced.

I will try that later today.


I had this problem with the passenger side under warranty. The dealer replaced the seat belt tensioner. That worked for a long time but it does come back periodically. Even with the dielectric grease I have to disconnect it once a year or so and move the connector in and out a few times to get good contact. Then it is usually good for at least another year.

:) He he he....that seemed to do the trick. Now I just gotta find a buyer. Anyone interested? I'll be reposting it on Craigslist.com in the SGV area of Los Angeles, CA. Give me until tonight and I'll have it up by then. Just look for a 2001 Ranger.

:thumbsup: Thanks again guys.:thumbsup:

Glad I found this...my airbag light has been blinking forever...several techs tried to diagnose the problem, with no luck.
I identified it as 4-6...traced the wire under the driver's seat, tightened the connection and--- problem solved...

Thanks for providing such a useful and clear explanation!
