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01 Sport- New wheels

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nice looking sport u got there ngreen

I also have an 01 sport I wanna do more **** on mine.

wow those look really good painted, alot better then stock

Those look pretty good that way. I never thought about painting factory ones. How did they get paint to stick to them? I thought it would not stick to aluminum.

Wow that's completely different. Nice!!

Thanks guys, I was a little worried about what it would look like but the "totally different" look is what I wanted. All I did was tape off the areas I didn't want painted and the wiped the rim down with a Dupli-color prep wipe. It took all the grease and nasty stuff off of it. The paint stuck great. I used Dupli-color High performance wheel coating for the paint. It worked really good and it only took one can of the stuff to do all for wheels. Thanks for all the replies!!!!


i like it a lot better that the normal colored factory wheels
