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02 Ex purchased new May '02 hits 100K miles this week


Explorer Addict
March 25, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Kailua, Hawai'i
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 Limited 4.6L 4x4
Never kept a car from cradle to 100K before (sign of the times, I guess). 2002 hit 100K almost on the 7th anniversary of purchase.

Have changed tires (50K), battery (at over 6 years old), front wheel bearings, rear A/C blend door actuator, and 4x4 control module. Other than that, it's all been just routine maintenance.:thumbsup:

I do have the intermittent door ajar problem.

May be the cheapest to own car I have ever had (excluding gas mileage).

Your results may vary

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Yeah, mine's been pretty trouble free too since I bought it new in July '02. 4X4 module, DPFE sensor and battery are the only parts I've changed. Still original tires and all bearings. My LR window stopped working the other day but I haven't looked at it yet. I just turned 40k miles, about half of which are trips to Seattle and back to visit family.

Did you buy it new on the Big Island or take it there from the mainland? 100k seems like a lot of miles on an island, even Hawaii. I haven't been there since '92 or '93, bet it's changed some.:)

door ajar problem

i will help you fix your door ajar problem, before you go out and buy a new sensor try the following:
spray dw40 by the latch, open and close door many times and see if this fixes the problem, if not then follow the directions below:
1:remove the door panel,dissconect your window,mirror,lock/unlock switches and sit it somewhere safe.
2: Carefully remove the plastic cover once you remove the door panel.
3: remove the speaker.
4: the wires you want to inspect first are the ones that are inside the door and the way you will get to them is like i said by removing the speaker, you will see a bunch of wires all of them cover by a protective plastic and black tape,remove the black tape first, if you are going to use a sharp object make sure you are very carefull, once you remove the tape then remove the plastic covering and then you will see all of the wires.( in my case i found the black wire in two pices near where the door closes)
5: normally the one wire that is demaged is the ground wire ( black)it will be cut it two pieces, if is not the black wire the it must be someother one, make sure you inspect all of them. once you find the demage one just get electrical pliers and electical tape and fix it, if you have extra wire at home use it by attaching the two ends of the black existing wire to the new wire.
6:if all of the wire look good then you will have to inspect the wires by the latch make sure they all look good, if all of them look good you will have to replace the sensor.

NIce, My GF's '02 has like 96K on it.....Done a few things to it..

DPFE sensor
Blend door.....and the other one is broke, I just unplugged it...
Coolant tube sprung a leak, TIG welded it up.....
Thermostat Housing(cracked)

And i think thats it...

Other then thats just basic stuff..
Fuel filter
Coolant (with housing change)

Oh it needs a few things tho....
Shocks, rear end is howling, and the cover thing on the ignition switch fell off....

Don't forget your 100k shocks change, it will restore the original handling quite a bit. If money is tight tho you can wait a while, mine changed at 167k.

Our 02' has 114,000 on it. We bought it about two years ago with 90,000. The 4x4 module is out, and the rear end/bearings have a terrible howl (started right after we bought it :thumbdwn:). It sounds like you have a prop airplane following you. Other than that we've had no problems with anything else.

Let's see, I forgot to mention that I did replace the brake pads and turn the rotors at about 75K miles. parking brake shoes are original.

I did not buy it in Hawaii, but in Virginia when I lived there in '02. Now I keep it for a spare occasional use vehicle for hauling Home Depot stuff, and carrying up to 7 passengers. Now getting less than 4K miles/year.

Re: the door ajar problem, have been spraying w/ wd-40, but is getting worse, this summer I will have to go to the next level of fix.

I've got a lot of 100K maintenance due, will do in phases this summer, including shocks and some bushings, maybe some wheel bearings.

I'll probably just keep on keeping it, although if i leave the islands, i will not ship it back to the mainland, but sell it here first.

Let's see, I forgot to mention that I did replace the brake pads and turn the rotors at about 75K miles. parking brake shoes are original.

I did not buy it in Hawaii, but in Virginia when I lived there in '02. Now I keep it for a spare occasional use vehicle for hauling Home Depot stuff, and carrying up to 7 passengers. Now getting less than 4K miles/year.

Re: the door ajar problem, have been spraying w/ wd-40, but is getting worse, this summer I will have to go to the next level of fix.

I've got a lot of 100K maintenance due, will do in phases this summer, including shocks and some bushings, maybe some wheel bearings.

I'll probably just keep on keeping it, although if i leave the islands, i will not ship it back to the mainland, but sell it here first.

Drive it back.... :D

Never kept a car from cradle to 100K before (sign of the times, I guess). 2002 hit 100K almost on the 7th anniversary of purchase.

Have changed tires (50K), battery (at over 6 years old), front wheel bearings, rear A/C blend door actuator, and 4x4 control module. Other than that, it's all been just routine maintenance.:thumbsup:

I do have the intermittent door ajar problem.

May be the cheapest to own car I have ever had (excluding gas mileage).

Your results may vary


I think these explorers actually do have good transmissions. We just seem to think they are so bad just because all we ever hear about on the forum is transmission failures (but this is the place to post problems, people tend to come here only when they have problems).

We need to hear more stories like this.


I think these explorers actually do have good transmissions. We just seem to think they are so bad just because all we ever hear about on the forum is transmission failures (but this is the place to post problems, people tend to come here only when they have problems).

We need to hear more stories like this.

I think that they may be not much worse than some and better than many. Lots of nice cars have tranny problems (BMW 3-series are an example), some of which is due to the 'no service' mindset.

Yes, there are some problems, but few cars have no problems.
