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02 explorer has winding down noise after turning engine off


September 18, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
02 xls
Everytime I turn my engine off their is a like winding down noise for a second. Can anyone relate to this? Do you think it is a bad fan?

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It's the turbine....no, wait, I'm thinking about my dream Explorer....normal ones don't have turbine engines....

Mine has two distinct noise when I turn it off.

1) the fan clutch seems to make a winding down (slight gurgling/wheezing noise) it has not always been there.

2) I can hear something like a hissing/boiling sound from somewhere in the engine bay, it might be normal, maybe something related to the AC

my 03 eddie 4.0 does the same thing , i thought it was comming from the intake releasing vacuum after shutdown or power brake booster , releasing vacuum

Everytime I turn my engine off their is a like winding down noise for a second. Can anyone relate to this? Do you think it is a bad fan?

Could it be belt or pully noise? You could also have something just barely touching your fan, or even a fan going out.

I think my clutch is on its way out, that's the winding down sound cuz as soon as the fan stops, the winding sound stops as well.

The hissing boiling sound I have no idea...

I have the same thing in my 02 sport. As soon as the engine stops its whines for a second or two then stops. And I've been searching all over the site with no luck :(


If that winding sound is a result of the clutch giving out, does anyone know how expensive it is to replace? Whatever happened to the days of free estimates?

Everytime I turn my engine off their is a like winding down noise for a second. Can anyone relate to this? Do you think it is a bad fan?
I have a 2003 Explorer. Just started doing this did anyone ever find out what that sound of winding down when turned off is? Please I am getting ready to go on a trip with an elderly parent...don't want a breakdown if I can avoid it. Thank you anyone...

My 02 XLT 4x4, does the same thing every once in a while. Too bad we can't get it to do it when it is in the garage, with the hood up. Question to ponder, What is still turning after you turn off the motor,when parked? The only thing I can think of is the cluch fan. Welcome to other Ideas.:feedback:

I am leaning to a fan clutch assembly. I have the same issue, but have not addressed it yet. I am too busy with broken off studs on the passenger rear wheel.

i am having same symptoms any one figure this out i have replaced alternator, idler pulley, belt, and belt tensioner pulley but no fix the noise kinda sounds like a turbowinding down when turning the engine off

problem solved.... it was the belt tensioner, i replaced belt tensioner pulley, idler pulley alternator, and fan clutch but nothing changed, so i finaly got a long tube and listened through it at the tensioner hope this helps some people having same issue

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