'05 Explorer Rear-ended, Driver-side Damaged | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'05 Explorer Rear-ended, Driver-side Damaged

Well, it finally happened... the X took a hit today on the expressway.

I was in the left-lane of the expressway, and there was a disabled car on the right shoulder, with it's end sticking a little into the right lane. (you could go around it). A shipping truck in the right lane cut me off, and I had to hit my brakes to avoid an accident. A Honda Element behind me slammed his brakes, wasn't stopping fast enough, and swerved to the left, heading towards a grassy ditch between the eastbound and westbound lanes. He didn't make it, and his passenger-side front hit my driver-side rear.

I'll get pics up tomorrow, but the damage so far looks like the following is destroyed.. maybe more when it goes to the collision shop: tailgate, tailpipe (looks like it's bent and is hanging free, resting on the suspension) bumper, LH taillight, LH-rear fender, and a bunch of body damage. It's currently undrivable due to the tailpipe, and the taillight's questionable (electrically it still works.. just doesn't have a lens).

Insurance will be covering the cost of the repairs, since I'm at no fault, at no cost to me except my $500 deductable, which will be refunded when my insurance recoups its losses from the other driver's insurance.

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hope the repairs go smoothly... at least nobody was hurt.

Pictures of the damage... it looks really bad, but it's almost all plastic except for the metal inside the bumper. It's really a simple job of removing the damaged parts and replacing them, then a quick paint. The tailpipe might be fixable, but they might have to just replace it, since it looks like it was just pulled off of its mounts.


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that sux bout ur 05 explorer brad hope you get it back to normal

Next update: the insurance claims adjuster came today to take a look at the truck... intial estimate is $3500 in damage, of which $3000 I have a check for from State Farm (500 deductable).

Estimated for replacement are: tailpipe, fender flare, tailgate, taillamp, bumper (recycled part, unfortunately). Repair/repaint of the quarter panel (didn't look damaged, so that might be a mistake). Repair/repaint of the "tailgate gutter: (anyone mind explaining what they mean by that?). Removal of old pinstriping and repaint of pinstriping.

The collision shop is coming tomorrow to tow the truck, and hopefully rig up the tailpipe for the time being, so that it's drivable -- the adjuster said that there's no problem in doing that until the whole thing gets fixed.

Good news: got my truck back last Tuesday from the shop.. everything checks out. looks good as new!


Now you can update your signature... and how come you put that polit sticker on after the crash? Any "after" pics available?

I'll get some pictures up later, and thanks for the reminder to change my sig.

The sticker was there from before the accident -- I worked on the campaign staff of that candidate, and i just left the sticker on there after the election.

That's a trip, the sticker is stronger than the bumper pad! It's always nice to get your vehicle back after a crash...

What's Silverstar lo beams and signals? Sounds interesting...

What's Silverstar lo beams and signals? Sounds interesting...

They're replacement bulbs. The Silverstar low-beams are brighter then the stock bulbs, and also put out a whiter light. The signal bulbs are for my clear corners -- they burn amber, but the bulb itself is a chromed clear glass, so the corner doesn't look yellow through the clear plastic.

Alright, I'll look for them... thanks! My low beams are about as bright as a .99 flashlight.

Ouch! Sorry to see the X banged up like that. Hopefully you can get her back together soon.
