1/4mi E/Ts and estimated whp | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1/4mi E/Ts and estimated whp


Well-Known Member
March 6, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Central MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT 5.0
hi, ive been shuffling power/gearing ideas around for my gt-40 (not p) 97 sploder for a little while now and i think ive finialy come up with my finial formula. i would like to know if anyone experienced has any ideas on the 1/4mi E/T and whp/wtq.

I also need help figuring out what would be the best ECU tuing equiptment and shiftkit/trans setup for my setup.

the truck is a dd/wintermobile and mild offroader

formula as follows;

-TM headers
-stock downpipes and front-cats(done)
-removed secondary-cats, expanded from 2.25 to 2.5 true duals + Flo-tech red hots(done)
-trickflow 1" spacer(done)
-e3 plugs(done)
-1.6 roller rockers
-ebay intake(done)

shift kit
10k lbs towing cooler(done)
temp gauge(got)
4406 swap(done)

4.10 gears w/ rear cobra LSD rebuild
31x10.5 or 32x11.5 on aloy wheels

thanks! it would also be cool if anyone had an idea about MPGs under normal driving lol.

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Your quartermile time would be in the high 15's, maybe low 16's. For a tune go with www.hensonperformance.com they're a vendor here on the forum, he goes by Jah81592. For the transmission go with some form of the transgo kit, the computer tune will also help with that too.

does the SCT programers come with preset tunes or no?

does the SCT programers come with preset tunes or no?

If you buy them from a site like say summit, then they come with preloaded stock tunes. If you buy one from henson performance then he will throw in a couple of custom tunes that take your modifications, what you want from it, power, towing, fuel mileage, etc. and what octane fuel you want to run.

Im thinking about ordering the rocker arms, what are the spesifications that i should order (7/16 or 3/8 stud, self aligning, etc...) and what is the factory ratio, i want a smooth increase in power acrosst the board.
