1354 or 1350 Can I? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1354 or 1350 Can I?


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July 21, 2002
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explorer sport 92
This is my history.
I have a friend who want to sale a 3.0 v6 motor with automatic transmition and a electric Bor Warner transfer , all of this pieces are fro a Bronco II year 1989
I think his transfer is a 1350 but I m not sure
Is it a 1350?

I have a explorer 92 v6 4.0 manual transmition whith a 1354 electric year 92

Can I put on a explorer 92 4.0 v6 manual transmission one transfer Borg warner 1350 electric?

That is the question

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can I or not?

I still don't understand your question. Do you want to put your running gear in the Bronco II? This can easily be done. Check out 410Fortune. That's what he has in his BII.

NOTAJP, I want to PUT ON MY explorer the 1350 bw

The 1350 will work but it is a smaller t-case and it is still an electric shift. The front drive shaft will also need work because it is a fixed yolk on the 92 and a slip yolk on the 89. I would try and find a 1354 manual shift if it were me.

sorry "smaller" isn't the right word I meant to say weaker.

and what about this?
1350 and 1354 shift control module are interchangeable

I have some problems with the shift control module of my truck. My transfers is a 1354 BW electric.
Can I put on it a shift control module and the motor of a 1350 BW?
Will it work properly?
