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180 degree thermostat.

'97 V8

Explorer Addict
April 2, 2005
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ft. knox ky
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'97 mounty 5.0 4x4 baby!!

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I just replaced mine hoping to cure the P0125. The thermostat was definitely stuck open. Since that would open sooner, and keep the engine cooler, I wonder if it would trip the CEL thinking that it is stuck open?

My CEL light is on for an evap code and the VSS code (no speedo) lol. I need to get that speedo fixed! Did your engine run cooler when you changed the thermostat? My needle goes a bit past 3/4's when im on the gas or on the highway, then it cycles.

isnt 180 around stock? i know 180 is stock on my toyota

Check my thread for information on the VSS: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=158739. You said that you don't have a VSS. I think that they stopped using the separate VSS on 98, and above. You have a 97. Here is something that was from that thread:
The speedometer gear is attached to the black cable going into your transmission's tailhousing. 4wd vehicles - the speedo sensor is located near the rear output flange of the transfer case. 95, and above did not use a cable. Digital dash doesn't use a cable either. 98, and above started to use the sensor on the rear differential. This is also used for the ABS. There is a single bolt, and retaining ring holding it in. Once you remove the bolt, and ring, the gear, and cable will slide right out. The gear is attached to the cable with a small clip that can be removed with a small screwdriver.

I think the stock temperature is 195. My old Mercury Sable had a 197, which is an odd number. Only the dealer had a 197. I doubt that a 195 would make any difference in there compared to a 197.

[QUOTE='97 V8]My CEL light is on for an evap code and the VSS code (no speedo) lol. I need to get that speedo fixed! Did your engine run cooler when you changed the thermostat? My needle goes a bit past 3/4's when im on the gas or on the highway, then it cycles.[/QUOTE]

My guage is just below biddle most of the time. My scanguage showed 197 pretty solid BEFORE changing the thermostat, unless I was working it real hard (like the drive through the mountains a few weeks back). However, since replacing it (one trop to work ~22 miles), so far it goes to 200 when idle, and then sits at about 195-197 when running. I think I still had some air in there this morning 'cause it would jump from like 190 to 210 to 185. It finally settled down. I guess I know what that little hole in the original thermostat is for now!

Since mine was stuck open it would take a bit longer for the truck to warm up (but it's been 95 here lately) but then it was pretty normal, but a little more solid than it is now with the new Stant 195 thermostat in there. I didn't take the highway this morning, so we'll see if it acts differently on the ride home.

BrooklynBay said:
Check my thread for information on the VSS: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=158739. You said that you don't have a VSS. I think that they stopped using the separate VSS on 98, and above. You have a 97. Here is something that was from that thread:

Thanks BB. Your threads are always informative. However, the issue with my speedo is that i have no gear in the t-case, so theres nothing to spin the VSS :rolleyes: .

Does your vehicle use the ABS sensor on the differential for the VSS signal? I thought that they started doing that on the 98, and above vehicles, although my 93 has this kind of setup. Do you have the speedo on the transfer case, but your gear is missing? Please clarify this. It could get confusing. To simplify my question, do you have the same setup as the one in this link? http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1478573&postcount=17

Won't the 180 thermostats burn out the cats among other things due to the low temps and the computer conflicts? That has been my understanding since you would essentially be dumping a lot of extra fuel.
