1994 Aerostar. Windshield wiper problem. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1994 Aerostar. Windshield wiper problem.

sorry about the hijack..I went back and looked..I have same problem just different year, different switch, different location..

maybe he's been reading along and got some ideas. there may even be a solution on another post. I just happened to see his and it sounded like mine.


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I tried to copy link like you said..when I right click on photo, only options I get are: bookmark this link & copy link location ..I am using xp pro..maybe you are on different os. when I do "copy link location", all it does is copy link location. no photo. guess I'll have to work on it..I do have windows 7 on another pc. I'll try that one later..
thanks for the hints...way off topic now...:rolleyes:

not quite sure on the link/picture posting yet..have to work on it a little..your instructions don't seem to exactly match what I'm seeing...anyway..

I did get the switch out and ohm ed it..all checks out ok {thanks to the file you sent}...glad you reminded me to check switch before ordering a new one..have to keep checking..maybe the motor, or connection, is bad..I did just see it work a few days ago by pressing wash button. now nothing but hear wash pump when press button...Ill keep posting results..might help someone else...

got to go to work now...thanks again...

