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1997 Explorer lift options


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July 19, 2003
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1997 explorer
Ive been looking around alot and I have not been able to find a lift kit for a 1997 Explorer. I want about 4 inches. Any helpwould be greatly appreciated.

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Go with the typical 2" torsion twist, Warrior shackles, and a 2"body lift. Maybe add an Add-a-leaf if you want it a little higher in the rear. Thats the same set up I have and I love it. If you are going to do it yourself it shouldn't cost you but about $200 for all the parts. Good luck.

Please do a search for "torsion twist", "warrior shackles", and body lift. there are numerous people with the setup that you have described (myself included once i get my body lift installed in a few weeks)

Does anyone know where my friend can get a front isolator pad that the super lift 4 inch kit calls for, for the 1997.

1997 Mountaineer Mods

A Newbie here....(Pls be gentle!) Hope no one minds that I have a Mountaineer
and not an Explorer....It was about $12K cheaper than the EB similarly equipped.

It now has about 195K miles and it is time to do some work. I have recently replaced the front hubs and rebuilt the front differential (bearings went!)

While I'm in there, I am going to do the Torsion Twist (I think I need to replace
a bar) and put Warrior shackles in the rear and then I need to decide on Tires
(gonna keep the 15" wheels so it looks like 31/10.5-15s are the place to go.)

What I would like to know is, what is the part # for the Warrior shackles?
I found WAR153 for 1.25" of lift(as quoted by the Mfr.) I have seen other references to 2.5" and 3" lift shackles....I'm confused....Is this summarized anywhere?

seanthenerd said:
Lift for 97 explorer

Superlift 4" Suspension Lift fits 96-2001 explorers

cost = $1500

availible from

did you have to buy the optional differential isolator pad

i need a lift that will keep me from getting stuck... ive had my left rear wheel off the ground and have been un able to go anywhere due to not having a locking diff in either the front or rear

If its a 2wd model then I would suggest a pair of Fabtech lift spindles. 500 out the door for 3.5 inches and the install is cake!

edit*well it seems you have 4wd so never mind, sorry. Dixon brothers has extended control arms that run a torsion bar replacing coilover. Or RCD makes one as well that replaces the torsion but with stock control arms.

wat do u think would be best cause i found a 4" lift by bds suspension and it seems like it would work but im gonna have to replace my front drive shaft
