Wanted - 1997 Explorer/Mountaineer wiring diagram book | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted 1997 Explorer/Mountaineer wiring diagram book

Parts or services wanted


Elite Explorer
February 6, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
No. Alabama USA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Blue Ex 4.0 SOHC
KAGG 3611 (CB)
Maybe you bought a book like this when you owned a 1997 Explorer and you sold your Explorer and kept the book. Maybe you purchased one for a specific purpose and no longer need it. I have 2 '97 Explorers and 1 '97 Mountaineer so I could use one from time to time. Used condition is ok as long as it is not all torn up and pages missing. Let me know what you have. I do answer private messages.

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I have 96, 98 and 2000 for the explorer
I get mine on Ebay, always find them under $40! Do not be afraid to make seller an offer either

Cannot have enough of these books!

Maybe you bought a book like this when you owned a 1997 Explorer and you sold your Explorer and kept the book. Maybe you purchased one for a specific purpose and no longer need it. I have 2 '97 Explorers and 1 '97 Mountaineer so I could use one from time to time. Used condition is ok as long as it is not all torn up and pages missing. Let me know what you have. I do answer private messages.
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I have a digital copy for a 99

@Nate Tidwell If I am not mistaken, there were some differences between the '97 and the '99, but thanks for the upload! I have a 1999 and have been passively looking for this exact thing.

It's helped with my 98

There you go Dint, one that you are looking for.
Less than 2 months ago, I was able to purchase the 1999 Crown Vic wiring diagram book for $15- + shipping. I thought that I got a bit of a deal.
I'm also looking for a 1999 Ranger wiring diagram book (paper).

96-97 are different from 98-01

Has anyone ever seen this particular book? 1997 Moutaineer only? I don't quite understand what the word preliminary means...

for me, preliminary means not the final copy, still up for review
Odd that it would have been bound and sold to the mechanics/public!!

Do you think it would surely have the pics and charts that should match up to my (3-96) early 1997 Mountaineer? I have a question to the seller that hasn't been answered yet. If it has the 104 pin PCM connector and the C115 connector etc. I know that you have gone to the trouble to provide that information to me, but I figured having a book couldn't hurt.

GET THE BOOK, try to find one that doesn't say preliminary, just in case!

There are tons of reasons to have the book, getting the ac wired correctly, instrument cluster changes etc etc we only scratched the surface with the charts I sent

I just purchased the Mountaineer only book. I still will get the Explorer/Mountaineer book too. Like you said, Jamie, you can't have too many books.
If anyone needs a pic of a page out of the 1997 Mountaineer Preliminary book or the 1999 Crown Victoria book, I will be glad to do that.
