1997 X SAS steering issues | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1997 X SAS steering issues


November 6, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Two Harbors, Minnesota
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 xlt
I have read alot of threads and noticed nobody says alot about the steering mods that have to be made when doing the SAS. I am wondering what I might be in for when dealing with my 97. I am going to be using a d30 and leaf springs, I know a d44 would be stronger but I have said d30 and easy acess to extra parts so it will work just fine for my project. My 97 should have rack and pinion, right? So I will have to get a new steering box then, what have other people used? I have heard of using a gen 1 X steering box or even a scout box. Is it difficult to hook the system together considering all the different parts from different companies? Any tips, advice or links to threads would be greatly appreciated.;)

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I have done this on my '97, the easiest way to go about this is to use a 1st gen steering box and 1st gen high pressure line, and your stock pump works jsut fine all the hoses hook up with no probs

Thanks for the tip, I read through most of your thread and really like how yours turned out. What about going from the steering column to the 1st gen box. Will the 1st gen rod work or will I need to fab something up?

search for IZwack, Spas, Section 525 as they have all done 1995-01 SAS's.

oh yeah, forgot about that.

take the 1 gen lower half that attatches to the box, and the 2 gen from the colum and you have to fab them together (cut and weld)
