1998 Explorer 4L Dangerous High RPM Surge | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1998 Explorer 4L Dangerous High RPM Surge

It accelerates. The only thing to do is step hard on the brake while turning the key off! We haven't been sent into a wall, another vehicle, or a pedestrian :eek:

It is an automatic.

It sounds like your cruise control is not cancelling properly. When you press the brake pedal, the CC should cancel at the same time the brake lights come on. Yours isn't doing that, and the engine is sensing a speed reduction and attempts to maintain the set speed. The harder you try to stop, the harder the engine fights back.

Your solution, while temporary, is a good one. Make sure your truck has the CC deactivation switch recall installed, and is installed correctly.

It sounds like your cruise control is not cancelling properly. When you press the brake pedal, the CC should cancel at the same time the brake lights come on. Yours isn't doing that, and the engine is sensing a speed reduction and attempts to maintain the set speed. The harder you try to stop, the harder the engine fights back.

Your solution, while temporary, is a good one. Make sure your truck has the CC deactivation switch recall installed, and is installed correctly.

When I contacted Ford Canada they said there are not any recalls for that vehicle. Hopefully the CC deactivation switch recall has already been installed.
Thanks for that.

I thought I had it all solved but High RPM surging has reared it's ugly head again.

OK. After getting gas, we started it again, it surged up to 3000 and stayed there. We shut it off and the same thing happened on the second start. The third start it was OK.
We didn't touch the gas pedal at all during this.

We could feel some intermittent surging while on the highway.

For safety sake it is parked at home until this gets settled.

There is no engine light on.
Might there be codes found with a scan even though there is no engine light on?

I need to get up to speed again with all the sensors and solenoids etc.. Is there an idle speed control solenoid that could be malfunctioning; could the main computer be insane?

Any ideers?:salute:

Not sure if I should leave this post here or start whole new thread? I am going to start a whole new thread here http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3434910#post3434910 with a link leading back to this thread.
