1999 Explorer Need help with sputtering | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1999 Explorer Need help with sputtering


New Member
April 12, 2007
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I have a 99 ford explorer and while driving, it would sometimes sputter in high RPM.

THe other day, the car lost complete power. Here are the current symptoms

Idles fine, but as soon as i floor it, the car would sputter and die. If i gently apply gas, it revs up fine.

Here is what i have replaced:

00M12, intake gasket kit
Fuel Pump
Spark Plugs / Wires
Replace Bank 1 sensor 1 O2 sensor

if the car is in park, and i floor it, once it gets pass 2.5k, it would be fine, if i have it in drive and apply any amount of gas, the engine would sputter and die.

any help greatly appreciated.

btw, i have 3 codes for O2 sensor, two that was not specific to anything. a torque converter circuit code, and all four shift solenoid code (tranny run fines).

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Try replacing the fuel filter.

Fuel filter would have been the first on my list also; then checking the pressure from the pump and then at the regulator.

I have a 99 ford explorer and while driving, it would sometimes sputter in high RPM.

THe other day, the car lost complete power. Here are the current symptoms

Idles fine, but as soon as i floor it, the car would sputter and die. If i gently apply gas, it revs up fine.

Here is what i have replaced:

00M12, intake gasket kit
Fuel Pump
Spark Plugs / Wires
Replace Bank 1 sensor 1 O2 sensor

if the car is in park, and i floor it, once it gets pass 2.5k, it would be fine, if i have it in drive and apply any amount of gas, the engine would sputter and die.

any help greatly appreciated.

btw, i have 3 codes for O2 sensor, two that was not specific to anything. a torque converter circuit code, and all four shift solenoid code (tranny run fines).
i have had the same problem....i havnt replaced anything like you....but had cleaned IACV many times (easy )....it is a factor and buying new ones help but the intake tubes continue to stay filthy and clogs it again.....anyways...my exhaust is original and i now have 170,000 clicks...as the exhaust has been getting worse...the sputter has as well...im thinking clogged cats and clogged/leaky muffler is the culprit as it doesnt seem people have this problem if they have altered/enhanced their ehaust.
